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I kicked the burglar in the face and let him fall to the ground. Police sirens go off and I was almost instantly met by two police men by my side.

"Huh, been looking for this one for a while." One of the cops said while putting cuffs on the burglar.

"Always on watch, Tigress " said the other. I had gotten used to the praising and celebrity life while in my cheetah suit. I took a deep breath and faced the opposite direction, readying myself, but I stole a glance the cops before running all the way to avenue 9, and Springfield road.

I step inside the orphanage. Though I still had my suit on, I knew that I wouldn't be spotted. Iberos was always dead silent after midnight. Lights would often go out, and the orphanage was on a quiet street, with elderly people living besides it. But, people never seemed to be out after dark much either way, probably due to the impressive amount of villains and burglars that executed their plans during late hours. I change and go to bed, immediately finding my usual curled up position and drifting away.

----- time skip -----

"Beep, beep, beep" our morning alarm goes off, and me, being the early bird I am, got out of bed easily. On the other hand, my friend Megan, struggles to open her eyes, so I open the curtains, gaining a groan from her. I smile at the sight of her waking up, but as soon as I hear footsteps, my face drops. I know exactly who it was, and so did Megan. She bolts out of bed.  We meet eyes and quickly fix up our beds. Soon after though, the door flies open. Our governess stands still in the doorway, holding the door handle, waiting expectantly. Finally she lets out a very long sigh. "Well done". I flashed her a quick smile and got back to work.

I hear the doorbell ring and gaze out our window quickly. I was fast enough to catch a glimpse of a man, and I notice the black limousine waiting just on the street. Commotion went off at all the corners of the orphanage. "Ugh" I hear our governess complain before I see her swiftly turn on her heels. She continues to muffle something underneath her breath as she makes her way downstairs.

I glance at Megan, trying not to laugh. We broke out in laughters as I grab her wrist and pulled her downstairs.

every girl was already in line and waiting expectantly for the decision of whoever came for an adoption . I stand agape, as I notice the tall muscular probably middle aged man. I saw no more than THE Bruce Wayne!!! Rich, famous, somewhat oddly handsome man. Megan took my hand and pulled me to my spot in line, obviously confused by my sudden deer in headlights trance.

Mr. Wayne and our governess spoke in hushed voices until he talked about specifics. "Perhaps someone around the age of 10 to 16?" Mr. Wayne spoke in a louder voice, obviously preferring to announce it to the girls in the room.

My governess smiled widely. "Of course". She dismisses the younger girls so they could go to their chores. She then turned to us. I grabbed Megan's hand and gave it a slight squeeze. One of the girls raised their hands.

"I know how to use a bow and arrow"she said. And then another spoke "I can play the piano and guitar" and then another "I can do ballet". Complete and utter chaos erupted. Girls spoke, sang and danced around the room. I then bit my lip, if I wanted to have an opportunity at being adopted, I was going to have to say something. "I can do any type of martial arts, and I'm a fast, durable runner" I say slightly a little too loud, and this ticked my governess off.

"What about her?" Bruce said. My governess smiles.

"Who may that be?" She asks him. He walks over to my line, and puts his broad hand on my shoulder. My eyes widen and I jump back. Not in the 3 years I had been at this orphanage had I even considered myself good enough or even slightly qualified to be adopted.

"Only problem is, I'm not the one adopting her, a friend of mine is, her name is Diana Prince. I brought her documents, and her written signature".

We had never had someone that wanted to adopt not come personally "alright, i'd like to see them and you may dismiss the girl" my governess said and then took the things Mr. Bruce had given her.

I was pumped to know who was going to be my mother, and, if I had siblings, or anything, but, also nervous to ruin this, afraid it were only a dream.

"Alright, you may take her, her name is Sarah Frank, but, if your dear friend would like to change her last name, that is up to her" I took a deep breath. I brushed my bangs out of my eyes and looked at the broad man.

"pack your things" he told me. I nodded politely and went back upstairs, everyone followed me back upstairs too, congratulating me and being petty for themselves.

To be honest, I didn't have much to pack, only a photo of my mother, a stuffed bear that was all worn out, a few pair of shorts, jeans and t's. And of course, my two sneakers, my sandals, my jacket, and hiding my super suit inside my jacket and that was all. Not that our governess let us keep many things anyway.

A/N (author note)

Hey my wonderful heroes, I'd like to say thank you to my beautiful friend Angeles, who helped me with the cover design (sort of ) and that I will continue shortly with the next chapter

In love with a super (Book 1 of the Love series) {Completed}(under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now