First Day

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" getting a surprise birthday party.. if she's not celebrating, go ahead and plan it for her... if she did plan it, buy her a necklace... every girl likes chokers, why not one of those, or a simple chain necklace with her name in a pendant? Something simple" I answered.

He finally seemed pleased with my answer. I was happy with this. He thanked me so many times and let me leave.


--- time skip to next mornin---

I woke up to my alarm clock... just great. School.

I got up... I had to look good for my first impression, so I went ahead and dug into the closet. I found a cute out fit that would fit perfectly.

It was a white tee and a jock like jacket to go with it. I also chose black torn jeans and white converses.

I took a quick shower and changed into the clothes. I went to the vanity and decided for a little makeup. I went for neutral eyebrow that was just a little darker than my skin, just to make my eyes pop out, black liner with somewhat a small wing that could verily be seen and transparent lip gloss or whatever.

It was stunning. I ironed my hair to make it a small bit flatter, or, just nicer I guess. I let my hair down for today. I saw a nice backpack at my door. It was aqua colored. It was stunning!!!

I gasped and picked it up. I looked inside. It was filled with all the things that I needed, and the things were neatly organized... this was all Alfred's doing.

I smiled at te sight. I put it on. Gorgeous. I ran downstairs and put my backpack gently on the sofa, going to the dining room.

I was met with an early rise Tim and Damian, eating away. I sat down next to Tim this time, not wanting to mess with the green eyed boy across from me.

I took a big spoon full of my Froot Loops. I chewed and swallowed absentmindedly. I rested my head in my hands, just one more week.

I finished and surprisingly, forgot to take my bowl to the kitchen. It wasn't too much trouble though because Tim ended up taking it.

I went to my room and applied a thin layer of lip gloss again and then rushed to the living, where Tim and Damian were waiting for me. I got my backpack from the couch and swung it around one shoulder.

"Ready slowpoke?" Damian asked me. I nodded and gave him a weak smile, a really nervous looking one.

Alright then mistress Sarah, were going" Alfred said. I nodded. He opened the door for us and sure enough, the press knew we were going to school, so they were there.

I gave a small smile and waved, making myself presentable for nacional TV, or newspapers, whichever.

Alfred opened the back door of the limo, helping us in. I got on first, then Tim and lastly Damian.

We had to wait, but luckily, Gotham academy wasn't that far off. We arrived in about fifteen minutes.

We got off the limo and instantly, girls trampled the boys. I rolled my eyes and got out of there as soon as possible, going inside.

Of course, I was looking behind me while I walked because I wanted to know if the boys could get out of there discreetly and actually guide me to my class... but just my luck no, they didn't, and I ended up bumping into someone.

I nearly fell but regained my balance. I looked up to the guy I had bumped into, he had blond hair, hazel eyes and was absolutely perfect! Wait what?! No!!!

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I am so sorry!" I said, picking up his books as he bent down and helped me. I gave him the books after we got up.

"It's fine, who are you anyways?" He asked. I looked at his eyes and blushed.

"I'm Sarah!" I said holding out my hand for him to shake it, but he was carrying his books, so I only made it awkward. I retreated my hand quickly, blushing again.

" Xavier!" He said nodding once. I smiled. He smiled back. We just stay staring there fora few seconds.

"So... Why aren't you interested in theWayne's, I mean, every girl goes crazy for them!" He said in an annoyed voice. I looked behind me and at the crowd of girls standing around the Wayne boys.

I chuckled. "I live with them... so, they annoy me more than they charm me" I said rolling my eyes and looking back at him. He nodded and smirked.

"And your new?" He asked. I nodded with a dumb smile on my face. He chuckled.

"Then, tell me your first class and I'll lead you there" he said. I looked at my schedule

" Math" I answered, my smile wavering. I hate math!

He nodded in the direction we had to go and he walked towards it. I followed absentmindedly, replaying everything in my head. I bit my lip nervously. Best first impression ever!

We arrived and we just sat next to each other, since we had the same class. We just looked at each other every now and then but didn't say anything, and people started to come now.

Until everyone was sitting down. And the teacher spoke.

"Good morning class, we have a new student" he spoke very clearly and strong.

"Please do get up and present yourself" he nodded towards me. I blushed and I was sweating bullets.

I got up. "I'm Sarah Frank, and I live with the Wayne's... I came from Iberos, and they adopted me... My mother died in a car crash and my dad in unknown, not even I got to meet him, so, I ended up in the orphanage" I said.

I was at the verge of tears after I got to my mother. It was still a fresh wound.

The room was complete silence. I sat back down quickly and whipped a stray tear that nearly escaped. I sighed and looked down, not wanting to know anything about the rest of the world. I saw Xavier staring at me pitifully, with dad eyes, but I just bit my lip and looked away.

This was going to be a long day.


So... not the best chapter, but I definitely think Xavier and Sarah are cute together... hmm, I should think of a ship name.

Anyways... I just realized this chapter was never updated and it was formatted to go in the story before the chapter
Lunch/Blondie... so I'm terribly sorry and if you had to come back to this and read it all over again I'm sorry

In love with a super (Book 1 of the Love series) {Completed}(under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now