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". Well hello, how are you?" I asked sarcastically. He glared at me. He brought up his computer and showed me two pictures. One was of Sarah as a before coming here . Or maybe one or two years ago.

The other picture was of Tigress. Damian got a scissor and cut of the costume and mask of the new hero. He then put them atop of the other picture. It was the same. The same person.... Sarah was Tigress...

-----Sarah's pov-----

I drank the water bottle up and put it back down on the table. I was exhausted for some reason. I was doing my homework. Who knew a school could be so demanding. It was only the afternoon after the first day of school, but since I missed a week, I needed to catch up.

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. Darn why was it so hard! Hmm... maybe Damian could... nah! Him? Of all of the guys even. I mean, he's practically the rebel kid that doesn't do his homework... right?

I took a break and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I went into my favorite app. Oovoo. It was a message app, but with video calls and cute mask things. I went on and looked for a certain someone's account.

Yes... Xavier's. I found him pretty easily actually.

I went onto the message section and tapped on his profile.

'Hey!' I said before putting my phone down and trying to do my homework again.

'Hey' he answered back almost immediately.

'Can u help?' I asked him

'Sure wha'd ya need?'

'Math homework help?'

'Sure... but I'm actually doing something RN, so maybe in an hour or so?'

'Sure' I answered back

I put my phone down before hearing the doorbell. I heard Jon's voice.

I rushed to the living room but he wasn't there anymore. I took this and went upstairs slowly, trying to either scare him, or spy on what he was saying with Damian... I don't know what I was exactly thinking.

I heard murmurs and then a long silence. I knocked gently on Damian's door.

There were moving noises and things falling. Just what I wanted... I startled them.

Jon opened the door a crack, as if to make sure I wasn't able to see or something. He looked behind him and back at me.

"Hey Sarah... long time no see!!!" He exclaimed.

"Actually, about six days and twelve hours. I smirked. My mischievousness coming to me. He giggled nervously before looking behind him again. This time, he opened the door for me.

I walked in and found Damian playing with his phone. I rolled my eyes.

"So... what are you boys up to?" I asked. Damian put his phone away.

"Nothing" Damian said while Jon said" Clash Royale" and they contradicted each other. I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok" I had suddenly gone blank. Nothing came to me for conversation ideas. But then it struck me

" so... Damian... what's up with your girlfriend?" I asked not really thinking twice.

"You have a girlfriend?" Jon asked. For some reason, this was just so expected. I expected this to happen.

" i don't" Damian answered with anger in his tone... for once it his life.

I smirked genuinely. "What about Maddison?... she even gave you a kiss" i said in a pleased tone.

"She's not my girlfriend" he said. Jon wasn't sure who to believe.

"Well I'll just tell her that that kiss didn't mean anything to you" I said. I had him exactly where I wanted. His eyes widened.

"Why didn't you tell me Damian?" Jon asked.

"Probably because he doesn't want anyone to know and he didn't tell you because he doesn't trust you enough with this secret" Jon had a hurt expression on his face.

Damian didn't have a comeback for once.  Jon looked down at his feet. I put a hand to my waist and leaned on one of my legs. Damian stared daggers my way.

"Don't worry... all you have to do is win your friend back... and if you truly want to do it... you'll ditch that bitch" I said.  Dang my words just came out.

I had never been a disrespectful child. I never said bad words or fought back to anyone. I couldn't even defend myself... even being Tigress. This was a turning point. I wasn't gonna let him or anyone beat me up. My mother would have wanted me to stand up for myself... make justice... and let Karma do the rest.

"How about you and mister Xavier boy?" Damian finally asked.

"I think he's cute" I blurted out. I wasn't gonna let my plan backfire now. 

Damian seemed shocked. Jon lifted his head to me. Both boys seemed somewhat disappointed... or... that's what it seemed.

"And... he asked you out?" Jon asked.

"We just met... so, even if he did... I would have said no" i said.

"Even if I do like him" i said rolling eyes.

Jon and Damian exchanged a look.

"Im gonna leave you boys to figure this out" i said walking out the door.

I went straight to my room and shut the door. While I was in this mischievous trance I grabbed my suit and packed it in my backpack with a few book to do homework and pencil case.

I put my phone in my back pocket and swung my backpack on my shoulders. I walked down the steps slowly. It was like I was just a bit cat like today. Cute, nice and playful... yet mischievous and dark.

Who knew why I was like this. Who knew who or what caused it... All anyone could really fond out right mow was that I wasn't being my normal sweet self.

I walked out the front door avoiding traps. I walked to a certain park. I don't know which one. I don't know how or why... I just did.

The park was deserted. It was more of a park that was broken down with bad acts... political issues or vandalism. On the bad side of town.

I grabbed my phone and unplugged my earphones. I put the music on maximum and put it on top of my backpack.


Ok... I wanna clear up a very important factor... im grounded... so... Im aloud to come in Wattpad only on Saturdays and Sundays... so dont freak out, I will update but Ill just take a little longer than normal. I hope you understand now goodbye

In love with a super (Book 1 of the Love series) {Completed}(under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now