Two days

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I rushed downstairs again with my backpack on one of my shoulders. Mr. Bruce was there waiting for me. I took one last breath. I looked behind me to see my friend crying, and waving. I couldn't help it, I ran up to her and hugged her, hard, I could tell she was struggling to breath because Of my strong muscles.

I let go, and walked to Mr. Bruce. He put a hand on my back and slightly pushed me. I would have never thought I would be going home to a family ever again, and better yet, never in the world with Bruce Wayne's acquaintance, err, friend. We had been taught to use big words thanks to our governess.

I got into the huge limousine parked in front and put my backpack in my lap. And of course the memory came back to me.

"Sweetie, wanna read a book with me?"

"Yes, mommy!"



///// end of flashback////

I was breathing loudly, I remembered it all too well. Bruce was staring at me from the front "you alright Sarah?" He asked as soon as he saw me snap out of my trance. I nodded slowly, almost afraid to answer, afraid to break into tears.

////time skip////

I had fallen asleep from my city of Iberos to the city of Gotham, that wasn't actually that far away, it was a one hour drive away.

I felt a slight shake on my body and I opened my eyes slowly, I saw a mature man, (as they taught us to say back at the orphanage) and he was shacking me awake. I didn't mind, but, I was exhausted.

I got out of the car and immediately recognized the huge mansion in front of me. The Wayne Manor. Even in my sleepy state, my eyes widened and I felt excited and full of energy, but, I wouldn't have done anything crazy like go running up to the door, that would have been immature.

Mr. Bruce laughed at my face expression. He put a hand on my shoulder and nodded. "Your house, err, mansion is wonderful Mr. Wayne" I said, not once taking my eyes off the mansion.

"No need for formal talk, you can call me Bruce" he told me

"Of course, Mr. Bruce" I said, a little awkward now, since I had miscalled him.

He chuckled "Just Bruce" he corrected again. This had gone from bad, to worse, I hadn't felt so embarrassed in my whole entire life!

We walked up to the front door and immediately, someone opened the door "Thank you Alfred" Bruce said and nodded at what I figured was his butler.

"Hello, youngster" he told me nodding his head once at me.

"Hello, Mr. could I have your last name?" I asked politely.

"It's Pennyworth, Miss" I smiled widely. Bruce had a very surprised look on his face. "Alfred, we have to talk later" he said before leading me into the living room.

I instantly saw two guys sitting on the huge couch. One had sort of longish hair and blue eyes. And the other had black hair with a strip of white, and also had blue eyes.

They both saw me instantly. "Hello" I cooed shyly. They stood up. "Jason, Tim, show her around and get her set up" Bruce said and left the living. I just stood there. My governess would have wanted me to stay there until I was told otherwise.

"Huh, how old are you?" The one with just the black hair said.

" I am 13 years old" I said.

The one with the strip in his hair cocked his head and just stayed there. There was a slight gap of silence, a very uncomfortable one.

"Your probably tired from standing there, why don't you come and sit with us?" He said.

I nodded and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to the no striped hair one.

They both sat down when I did. "I'm Jason" the one with the striped hair said

"And I'm Tim" the other said.

"My name is Sarah Frank, but I don't think that will be my last name for long" I said.

"We can show you around if you want?" Tim said.

"Only if it wouldn't be too much trouble" I said. Jason nodded and got up, Tim following closely behind.

They showed me around the house a little, and then showed me to the room I was staying in for a few days, until, whoever was that Diana Prince was. They said it would take her about two to three days for her to come home. This situation is really weird for me though, why wouldn't she go to adopt me herself, and why would she not be at her house to greet me?

I looked around the big bedroom, it was this white with pink flower kind of themed. I immediately had a liking to it.

"You like it?" Tim asked. I nodded and smiled widely. It was beautiful.

"Alright, we'll leave you to put your stuff away" Jason said and practically pulled Tim out of the room and then closed the door behind him.

I took a breath in. I put my backpack on top of the bed and started taking my things out. I placed the photo of my mother on the bed table and my stuffed bear in the middle of the bed. I folded my clothes neatly and put them in the oversized closet, or, about to anyway.

But what I found in the closet was more surprising than what I could word, the closet was filled with many expensive clothing.

I put my clothes aside and opened the door to my new temporary room, I walked out and started walking to where I could remember was the living room.

I found someone new chanting with the two black haired guys. He too had black hair, but brighter glue orbs instead of the normal darkish ones his, Im guessing brothers had.

"Hey, Sarah, This is Dick, err Grayson if you'd like" Tim said, being the playful guy he is.

"Hello" I said before walking up to the coffee table in front of the couch.

He smiled, and I smiled back at him. He was about to say something but.

I heard the front door open slightly. I turned around. "Alright Pennyworth, thanks a ton" somebody said.

I saw him seconds later, he had pricked up hair, glowing light green orbs and a very muscular yet simple figure, he was a little intimidating, but he seemed to be luring me into him.

He looked at me and frowned, then raised an eyebrow, looking at the boys behind me. I was curious, I had to admit, how was he gonna react to me, he didn't seem like he liked me very much


So, I'm glad this cheapie will be up this afternoon, since it's 6:32 a.m right now and I really have to get to school, see you my lovely wolfies, peace

Anyway, have a wonderful day!!!😘

In love with a super (Book 1 of the Love series) {Completed}(under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now