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" you know what, here. Let's start over" I said, holding a hand out to Damian. I had always been a doble chance girl. He took my hand and shook it firmly.

"Not a word?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, still hanging on to my hand.

"Not one" I said. We locked eyes for a bit.

I took a deep breath and took my hand out of his grasp. Jon just stood there, not saying anything. But it was a sign of approval, I could tell.

I grabbed my mother's notebook I had dropped and took the stairs down. I went right back to the living room. I looked briefly at the clock that pointed at seven thirty nine. I sat on the couch. I was starting anew, why not read what was of my mother?

I opened the cover. There was a really pretty drawing there, and a note. I got them both out. The drawing was a girl sitting alone on a street, near an alleyway. It was my mother, I could tell.

I got the note and reed it aloud.


Dear Barry,

     I hope this letter gets to you, I've wrote and rewrote this letter so many times now, I've tried every possible way of telling you this and still couldn't find the way to do so. I've tried telling you it subtly, angrily, nervous. I wish I could tell you in person, but right now, we've moved from Gotham, I didn't want Sarah to grow up in a city of crime. You might be wondering who Sarah is... well, since I'm already here. Sarah is our daughter. I've tried to tell you personally, by letter, by everything. I just couldn't. She needs you, and now more than ever. I'm about to get married, I've found a subtle job and a nice apartment. I hope your well...
                                 With all the love in     
                                         the world, Grace

///// end of note/////

My eyes were bright and wide. I had a father. All my life I had thought he had died before I was born or something, and as a child I would daydream about possible amazing ways he could have died. I covered my mouth with one of my hands, the other one shaking, still with the note in it.

"Barry" I murmured. I heard footsteps come closer, yet still, I couldn't move.

"Sarah?" I heard Damian ask. I turned my head around, still with a shocked and scared look on my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, walking faster towards me. I moved my lips yet still nothing came out. He sat next to me.

"I" was all that came out of my mouth. I pulled my legs up to my chest and closed my eyes. He put a hand on my shoulder. He gently took the note out of my hand and reed it himself.

"Your father" he said. I looked at him, not saying anything and not letting go of my knees.

"He's" I said. I couldn't say anything else anyway.

"There's a chance" he said. I knew he meant what I meant. Err, that he was, or could be alive. I let go of my knees and put them back on the floor. I wouldn't cry, I couldn't, I was numb.

He put an arm around my shoulders and I put my head on his shoulder. I heard other footsteps. Jon sat next to me on the other side. He took my hand and squeezed it gently. I lifted my head from Damian's shoulder. Damian gave the note to Jon.

"Not a word" Damian said before Jon finished reading. Jon nodded once, sternly.

I gave in. I felt weak and my spine started moving like I was made of jelly. I saw everything darken around me. Darkness overtook me and I was out.

(Dami's Pov)

Jon nodded sternly. I let out a long breath. Sarah suddenly went white. She closed her eyes slowly and then collapsed. She fell right onto my chest. I gasped at the sudden move. I felt right. She was so.... I couldn't describe it.

Jon got up quickly. He darted up, more like. I hugged Sarah against me. She was out cold. What was I going to tell my father?

"I'll take her to her room, I have super speed. Not to mention super strength" he said. I wouldn't allow that. She had chosen me, in a way. I shook my head.

"I'll do it, I wanna make sure she gets where she needs to" I said before picking her up bridal style.

I wanted to the grand stairs and took her upstairs to her room. Jon was following closely behind. He helped me put her under the covers.

I knew I had to read whatever that note was again.

Me and Jon rushed downstairs and I grabbed the notebook. I looked at a strange drawing. It was an exact replica of Sarah, yet still taller and older. I folded it like it was on the marks. I took the note and put it on the pocket of my hoodie.

I grabbed the notebook and flipped through a few pages. They all had dear diary written at the top. I supposed it was Sarah's or, her mother's anyways.

I didn't read any of the pages, I knew it would have been immature of me to do so since Sarah wouldn't have wanted me to.

"You aren't gonna read it, are you?" Jon asked.

"That would would be imprudent of me" I answered. I closed the notebook and put it nicely on the coffee table. Jon put a hand on my shoulder.

"Ask her out already!" Jon screamed at me. I frowned, not showing a sign I actually liked her.

"Oh come on!" He said. Then, I started to think of a response. Then I remembered him asking to carry her upstairs.

"I could say the same thing" I said, a smirk playing against my lips. Oh it was so on, we were about to go on duel mode.

He ran into the bat cave, I did too. We went into a part where we couldn't damage anything.

He threw his best ame at me with his laser eyes and I dodged easily.

(One fight later)

"Whoa" I said. Jon started laughing.

"That was great, I  needed that. But, seriously, I'm not into her" I said again. He nodded. I had just convinced him with my actor skills.

///// the next morning/////

(Jon's pov )

I woke up to a snoring Damian on the couch next to me. I chuckled and took out my phone from the backpack I had left at the edge of the couch last night. I took a quick pic and put my phone back where it was.

I shook Damian gently, not remembering most of the events from yesterday. Damian opened his eyes.

" Shoot I have to train!" Wa the first thing that came out of Damian's mouth. I laughed.

"Seriously. Oh come on!" I said. He got up and started doing backflips. He was such a weirdo!


So.... it got interesting.... and yes. It's probably the Barry your thinking of

Key word: probably..... anyway. Onto the next chapter wolfies

In love with a super (Book 1 of the Love series) {Completed}(under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now