Out again

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"Seriously. Oh come on!" I said. He got up and started doing backflips. He was such a weirdo!

I walked away, going to the kitchen. I wasn't just gonna stand there.

I saw the dining room all set up. It was breakfast exactly like I remembered the last time. With the difference of the food choice, obviously. I smelled the pancakes from the kitchen next door. My mouth watered at the smell. It was delicious.

Damian came in seconds later. "One hundred backflips" he bragged. I wanted to punch him.

I gave him a playful punch in the arm. He gave me a smirk.

"TT" he said. Obviously giving me his signature mark. I smiled sarcastically. I didn't want to annoy him this early in the morning or I was gonna get it. Not that it would hurt, I mean, I'm the son of the actual Superman but, I would get quite a fit out of it.

(Sarah's pov)

I woke up an awful way. I woke up screaming and crying. My life flashed before my eyes. I saw it all. The red car, the drive's face, the shattered windows, the blood. It was all traumatic.

I breathed heavily as I whipped my tears that had gotten out of control in my sleep.

I went to the side of the bed, putting my feet on the ground. I got up and searched through my troubled backpack. I sighed before choosing my outfit for the day.

I chose a cute ruffled top shirt, that was a little short, yet not showing, but it would be if I raised my arm at all. Some jean shorts and my signature combat boots. This time being a light brown color.

I took a shower quickly. It let me relax. I had a vanity in my room so I went ahead and sat on the little chair in front of it. I decided to put my hair in a messy bun, leaving my bangs out. And of course I didn't mind messing with some little lose hair strands to make them have a mind of their own but still cute.

I grabbed a few bracelets that were on the vanity and also a choker. The normal kind of choker.

I went downstairs and into the dining room. Bruce wasn't sat there unlike usual. The boys not missing from their normal spots. I sat where I had before, next to Damian.

Jon sitting across from me. My green orbs searched across the room, as if looking for someone, yet still, not knowing who.

Damian tensed. I remember going black last night. We promised not to say anything but... he obviously wanted to help me know who it was.

Jon, who obviously saw the change in Damian, put a frown on his face. I bit my lip. I didn't want to talk about it . I didn't even want to remember it. But, there was a new kind of hope in my heart too.

I sighed. Tim looked at me weirdly. He had this suspicion face on him. 

"So... what did you guys do last night?" Dick asked with a smile, obviously sensing the new change of Tim.

"We played truth or dare and then we went to the roof to see the sunset" Jon said. He was actually a pretty good actor. It seemed like nothing really happened. It gave him a kind of innocence to him.

"And then we watched a movie" Damian said, playing with the fork in his hands. I noticed he did this when he was bothered by something.

In love with a super (Book 1 of the Love series) {Completed}(under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now