Come over

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I nodded, a little numb... I knew something was definitely on. I knew I had to know exactly what it was.

"Alright" I answered him. Hoping he didn't notice my change in emotions, even if I were a pretty good actress.

We finished eating and everyone started piling all the plates on the table, where Alfred was supposed to get all the the plates from.

This ticked me off immensely, so, I decided to grab my plate instead and head to the kitchen. I knew I had eyes on me, but that wouldn't have stopped me.

I headed to the kitchen, I saw Alfred there washing a dish.

"Good morning Alfred, I'm sorry I shut the door in your face, but I hope you understood. Either way, I came to bring you my plate." I ended. He had turned around to look at me as soon as I started but, I hadn't made eye contact.

"Thank you Miss, I completely understand" he said, grabbing the plate in my hands. I looked up. He nodded and put it in the sink. He then went off to the dining room. I followed him curiously.

We went inside where the big guy family was chatting and discussing what seemed important issues. They saw us and immediately stopped. I helped Alfred pick up all the plates.

"Thank you Miss Frank" he said as we headed out the door again, and the chatting became even louder.

I had helped Alfred rinse all the dishes and put them in their place, he had thanked me immensely.

But now I was heading to my room, quiet and lonely, no one to really to talk to.

I went inside, closing the door absentmindedly. I went and threw myself on the bed, just laying there, on my back.

I took a few deep breaths and got up again. I went to the window side of the bed.... err, on the right, anyway. And I kneeled down on the ground. I hadn't taken my suit out from under the bed, and it was still there, so I got it out.

I folded it into sections and snuck it into my backpack. I knew I wouldn't have had to snuck it, but since I had to be careful back at the orphanage, I did so too here.

I let a tear slip down my face. My mother would have wanted something like this. She would have wanted for me to find a home, and to be comfortable in it. I was trying my best to fit in while still being me.

Everything was so new, and so strange. People were rude to others. I wouldn't have seen this happen ever in the small city of Iberos, everyone knew each other and no one disrespects each other.

(Third pov)
"I miss her" she whispered into the soul of the world. Everything was blunt. And it became one as her tears blurred her vision, and she slid down the wall, starting to cry.

Meanwhile, back downstairs.

"Father, I wouldn't think it to be her. She doesn't seem like that kind of girl that would want to risk her life for others, it's not that she's selfish, she's really kind but..." Grayson said

"I told you, she had on the same mask that the new super had on in the picture of the newspaper!" Tim said.

"Enough" Bruce said, slamming his fist on the table. Everyone went silent as he did so.

The silence was plain, and the tension was thick. No one truly knew if that same girl that had shown such kindness, was such a badass lifesaver on the newspaper.

(Dami's pov)

It couldn't be her... she was so plain, so... weak. You could tell she had suffered from the cold by her somewhat thick skin, I could tell she was used to eating very little by her skinniness. And not to mention, she didn't show any signs of being that girl that would be all like 'I'll go run into a building on fire because I like saving lives'

"Father, I'm telling you, it's her!" Tim repeated for what seemed like the tenth time today.

"Tim, anyone could have bought a cheap mask from a dollar store, and what if the new super, and Sarah just bought the same mask and it was just a coincidence that they 1 had the mask on in the same day, and 2 it had the same design." Grayson said.

Tim and him hadn't fought about something important like this's in years.

"Dick is right, Tim... maybe it was just a coincidence." Bruce said and nodded once.

I personally agreed with Grayson. This didn't make any sense in the matter.

"Alright, we'll talk about this later" Bruce said and dismissed all of us.

I went straight to my room and closed the door. This was going to be a long day.

I knew Father would make me go talk to her, get close to her, and then ask her about it, but I guess I would have to live with it, at least for a few days.

"Arghhh" I said before doing a face palm. I sat on my bed and just sighed, closing my eyes.

I lay back and stared at the ceiling. I rubbed my forehead as I closed my eyes. I knew exactly what I needed.

I went down to the Bat-cave were I found Tim arguing with himself. I walked right past him and grabbed my sword.

I took a deep breath and looked sharply at the practice thingy in front of me. I frowned and imagined the worst. A fight, a real one. I got the plastic multiple times, blocking my imaginary opponent.

I hit it a few times, on different sides. I swept my sweat away with my arm and kept going.

(Third person pov)

Damian kept hitting the object. His focus only on it and not what surrounded him.

Tim, on the other hand, was sure something was wrong, and that there was stuff he didn't know. This was going to be a long day.

(Sarah's pov)

I clutched my knees closer to my chest. The tears fell endlessly on my knees, but I stopped sobbing.

I heard a knock at my door and instantly dried my tears, sitting on top of the bed. I sighed a little and answered.

"Who is it?" I asked. There was a little gap of silence and then a response.

"It's me, Bruce" Bruce said. I instantly went to open the door, peeking my head out first. Sure enough the was Bruce, all dressed up in fancy clothing.

"Sarah, I'm going out tonight. Alfred and Dick will be here all night, but Tim and Jason will be busy" he said. I came out of my room.

"Of course" I said.

"Oh, and one more thing. One of Damian's friends is coming over, you might like that" h said before turning around and adjusting his tie, walking off into the distance.

I wouldn't mind having another kid my age, but if it's Damian's friend, I couldn't expect much more than Damian himself.


Hey my wonderful wolfies, I came with another chapter for you guys. Heads up for the next chapter. Also to clear something up for the next chapter, I know that if Damian is 14, Jon Kent has to be 11 but since I found it more convenient to make them almost the same age for the story, he's 13, so that there is still the age difference

In love with a super (Book 1 of the Love series) {Completed}(under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now