Chapter 2

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****** Here is Chapter 2!***********************************************************************

When I pick up the envelope I notice something in the corner of my eye and that it is mom taking a video and Brooke covering her smile with her hand.

I glance at them quickly with a smirk and open the envelope. Inside there is a piece of paper. I open it up and it says, "Hey Kayla I know your birthday isn't until a few months but I had to give this to you early. Look inside your car in your glove department to find out what is it."

I smile at them slowly but think of the one thing I asked for for months that I couldn't get myself. It can't possibly be, it sold out in .2 seconds. Impossible.

I opened the glove department and two VIP Experience passports pop out of the glove department and with Shawn's Face on them. I grab them jumping up and down trying not to cry. I ran to Brooke who was jumping up and down as well. And then I bolted straight to my parents.

"Now I know you are excited but if you want anytime at the fair you might wanna head out now. Traffic is going to get bad soon." My mom said while I was hugging her tightly.

Brooke said she would drive so I could calm down. My parents don't mind that Brooke drives my car because she is family to us. Not by blood, but we hang around each other 24/7 and our parents are best friends too.

When we get in the car Brooke automatically turns it to Shawn. We listened to all of our favorites (which is like all of them). There are no bad songs by Shawn. Brooke and I are about halfway there and I keep checking in the mirror on my makeup. I can't believe it. I am going to meet Shawn Mendes in a few hours. Like what the freak!?!?! Brooke turns down the music and smiles at me, "Soooo, are you excited?"

I laugh, "Excited doesn't even cover it."

When we get to the fair, it is already jam packed busy. We put our lanyards around our next so they don't get lost or stolen. Just wearing it makes my heart go twenty beats a second.

We ride all of the rides we wanted to ride and then head to the animal farm. We pet and take pictures with a lot of the animals. Once we come out of the barn we wash our hands and spray perfume on ourselves. I mean who would wanna smell like barn animals while you are trying to talk to Shawn. Embarrassing right?

We realized we only had an hour until we had to be in line to meet Shawn. So we headed to the front of the fair. When we got to the line we were first in line, which is perfect! About 30 minutes later the line was jam packed with girls and parents waiting to meet Shawn.

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