Chapter 12

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We keep asking questions back and forth and we learn so much about each other. As we lay facing each other I can't help but think I'm falling in love with this boy. I mean I loved him as the singer Shawn Mendes but I never knew this side of him. The real Shawn Mendes. Not the front he puts up. I'm falling for this side of Shawn.
About an hour later we hear the door to the bus open. I peek my head out into the hallway from the bed and see Alex and Brooke walk in. Hand in Hand!
She sees me peeking and smiles big at me. They sit on the couch and we decide to join them on the couch.
We all sit there for a little while and watch beauty and the beast. Once it hits about 1:30 in the morning I start to get tired and start to fall asleep on Shawn. Shawn notices and squeezes my thigh lightly where it rested. He grabs my hand and we stands up to head to the bed. We say goodnight to Alex and Brooke and they look like there about to go to sleep too but they might not make it to the bed with how tired they look.
Shawn and I climbed in the bed with my back against his chest. I could feel his strong and steady heartbeat against my back and his big strong arms around my waist hanging over where my stomach is. His breaths are steady and my breaths sync up with his. He nuzzles his face into my neck and kisses it softly as I fall asleep.

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