Chapter 11

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A little bit later I get a text message from my mom. "Hey hope the meet and greet and concert was great! Are y'all going to a hotel for the night or driving back?"
Honestly I didn't know what we were doing. I nudge Shawn and he turns and looks at me, "Yes gorgeous?"
I smile, "Do I need to head out or should I tell my parents I'm staying at a hotel for the night?"
He smiles at me, "We are actually staying in Columbia for three days before we go to Florida. So you can stay here for the night if you would like."
"Okay. Let me text Brooke and see what she wants to do and then I will text my mom."
I went under Brooke's name in my phone, assface, and messaged her, "Hey where are you? Are you okay? Mom wants to know if we are going to stay in a hotel tonight or driving home. Shawn told me they are staying in Columbia for a few days before leaving for Florida. He wants to know if we just wanna crash here on the bus."
I get a respond almost immediately, "Yeah we can "stay in a hotel" and chill with them. Just tell your mom that we are going to chill and go to the mall tomorrow. The only problem is we don't have extra clothes."
"I think I have some extra clothes in the car for fashion and women hood emergencies 😂👍🏻"
I text my mom that we were staying at a hotel by the arena and that we were going to go shopping tomorrow around Columbia. She messaged me back with a "👍🏻❤️ be safe."
I love how my mom trusts me. Little does she know I'm chilling with a Shawn Mendes😂
I look over at Shawn and he is looking at the tv. I softly kiss his cheek and move down to his neck. He tilts his neck for easier access and I kiss it more.
I know he likes when I do that because a soft moan comes out just soft enough so I can hear.
A few seconds later I'm put on Shawn's lap straddling him and kissing his soft lips. I put my hands on his cheeks to bring him even closer to me and he slowly moves his hands down the side of my body from my cheeks, to my shoulders, to my waist. He grips them which makes me a little ticklish so I squirm a little and laugh out of the kiss. Shawn looks into my eyes and says, "Oh so you are ticklish there. I found your ticklish spot."
I smile, "No....."
He laughs lightly and grips my hips again to where I'm trying to ignore the tickling grip. I start to laugh and he kisses me while saying, "Yes you are you liar."
I start to grin so big as I kiss and I can feel Shawn grinning against fine.
After a few minutes I pull out of the kiss to breath and Shawn looks at me.
"What?" I say to Shawn.
He smiles lightly, "You're just so beautiful I can't help but look at you."
I blush and lean my head against his chest still on his lap. We sit there for a few minutes until we decide to go lay down in his bed. His bed is mainly made for one person but we were spooning to wear it was like one person was in bed.
I turn to face Shawn in the bed so we are inches apart. And we just stare at each other. Not saying anything for a few minutes. We didn't have to say anything the rest of the night but it got really quiet so I said, "Let's finish our questions game."
He smiles "okay you first."
"Um, what is your favorite sport?"
"Hockey and soccer are pretty much tied in first place."
"Cool beans."
He smiles at my comment, "Okay my question, Are you a um.... virgin?"
I laugh, "oh wow just come right out and ask that."
He blushes, "I just wanted to know."
"No I'm not a virgin but I wish I was because the guy I had sex with was hurtful and an ass."
"I'm sorry babe. I would never hurt you."

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