Chapter 10

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After about twenty minutes later he suddenly turns off the television and faces his whole body to mine.
"I have a question."
I smile and turn my body Chris cross apple sauce towards him, "And I should have an answer."
He smiles lightly, "Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach? Why do I have this feeling that you're going to affect me somehow?"
I smile and blush, "I don't know, but I feel the butterflies too. Especially when I feel your touch." I look down at our hands together.
He smiles down at our hands. "How would this work though? I'm on tour, I live in Canada for Christ sakes. Sometimes I wish I was a normal boy in Canada and I now really wish you were a normal girl in Canada. And we could go on dates, share kisses, meet the family, and just the small things that people take for granted."
I look down at our hands and let go softly and slowly, "It sounds like you already have your mind made up." I stand up and walk a couple feet before I am turned around. Shawn's face is centimeters from mine. He has his hands on my waist softly. "Do you really think I have my mind made up? That is the thing I can't see a clear future without you in it. As soon as I saw you in the crowd everything kind of clicked in place. Of course it would be easier if we were both in Canada and we found each other but we didn't. We found each other here. And that doesn't mean I wanna give up. I wanna give this the best shot we have, are you wanting too?"
I smile softly and kiss him. I put my hands on the back of his neck and he moves his hands up to my cheek. I pull away softly, "Of course I want to, but won't it be hard. I'm mean you're on tour."
He keeps his hands on my cheeks caressing my face. "Something's in life are difficult but people do them to get the best things out of life."
I smile at him and he smiles back. He pulls me back to the couch and I nestle up beside him with my head on his chest and shoulder.

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