Chapter 3

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**********************************here is chapter 3***********************************

Most of the stuff in this chapter actually happened. Like the question, answer, and seating!


They made sure we had VIP passes before letting us into a room that looked like a business meeting room. It had a large table and 6 comfy chairs. It obviously wasn't the room we are going to see Shawn. But, we had first dibs so Brooke and I sat beside each other in the big huge chairs. Eventually the room was jam packed with 30 girls. We couldn't even stand up from our chairs.

All of a sudden someone shut the door to keep us all in the one room. Great, now my claustrophobia is going to kick in. Brooke could tell I didn't like it and laughed trying to get us up. But they wouldn't move.

All of a sudden every girl in the room except us was pressed against the glass the exit door screaming, "I love you Shawn!". Shawn obviously walked by to go to the room where we are supposed to watch sound check. I love him but I wasn't going to get clawed in the face. Besides we were all about to see him in less than five minutes. OMG I'm about to see Shawn in about five minutes! Control your breathing Kayla! Breathe in, breathe out. Brooke is still laughing at me. I lightly punch her arm.

The door to the room was open and everyone was pushing and shoving to get out of the door. Everyone walked into another room. Of course we were the last ones in. When we walked in from the back all the seats were taken. Obviously they didn't have as many seats as they thought.

Then one of the guys from the fair came beside us and said, "Since my crew didn't count right we don't have enough seats, do you girls mind if you sit in the middle of the seats on the floor. You will be in the front and center."

I nodded excitedly. Right as soon as we sat down the announcer came to the microphone, "Who is ready to see Shawn Mendes?"

The screams erupt. Then time just stops. Everything was in super slow mode. Shawn walks out and waves at us. He is at the microphone and all I can do I stare. I can't believe I'm here right now. I'm literally less than five feet from Shawn.

Brooke taps me. When I look over at her she laughs at my expression. I side hug her and we scream to Shawn. He looks through the crowd and he looks at us. Every girl says that Shawn has looked at them, and not just looked at them but like.... looked at them.

I had no idea what they were talking about until today. When he looked at me and Brooke, my heart pounded faster. Somehow faster, I already thought it was going million beats a sec but now it felt like a billion.


"Hey everyone I'm Shawn Mendes, just in case any of you all didn't know."

We laughed and someone yelled, "Shawn who?" which made all of laugh harder.

"So I decided that I would sing a few songs and then we could do questions, as long as that's cool with you."

We all nod and he starts tuning his guitar. The melody starts out as a soft strum then progresses into bigger and harder strums to the beginning of the song Aftertaste. This by far is my favorite song on the album. It has so much melody, rhythm, and Shawn sings it so well. It isn't about a happy ending or anything sappy. Basically Shawn says no one can replace me and that he is going to leave you with the memories.

When he sings, I am mesmerized. All I can do is watch him and sing along. His voice is so beautiful and he sings with such passion.

I notice Brooke is recording and I am so grateful she is because I totally forgot. After he finishes he plays two more songs, Life of the Party and Stitches.

He put his guitar on the stand and grabbed the microphone from the stand. He then sits on the bench and gives us one of the best smiles I have ever seen. Every girl smiles at that smile.

"So, does anyone have any questions?" Every girls hand shoots up, but I beat all of them to it. Shawn notices me first. Ha! I just said Shawn noticed me. Never thought I would say that.

"Hey what is your name in the light blue shirt?"

I'm in shock. I decide to say the dumbest thing possible, "Me?" No, the other one. Dumb ass.

But he just smiles and nods, "Yes ma'am."

"My name is Kayla. And I was wondering what soccer position do you play?" It was the first question that came to my head. I remember thinking about it a million times. He is too muscular in his legs to be a goalie, but he could be. I'm a left and right wing, which is the left or right side next to the people in the middle (just in case you didn't know or play soccer).

"Well I play every position, but my favorite to play is always right wing. What do you play?"

"I play wing too."

"That's cool. Do you think you have a southern accent Kayla?"

I was a little taken back, I didn't expect for him to ask me a question back. "I don't think I have much of one, but it does come out in certain things I say."

He smiles at me, "Yeah I can tell. It is a really cute accent."

I blush like crazy, "Thank you. I like your Canadian accent too."

He then blushes and then smiles at me and then into the crowd.

Did i just make Shawn Freaking Mendes Blush!?!? what is life!?!?

He lets a couple of people ask questions but I feel like I keep making eye contact with him. I know a lot of girls say that, but I am. Maybe I am just dreaming it or reading too much into it. I probably have something in my teeth or something.

Great. That's exactly what I need!

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