Chapter 16

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Shawn's POV
I open the box and pull out the pink teddy bear with hearts on it. I can tell she was trying to make the bear like her because it too like mine had a soccer uniform on. I laugh lightly and she points to the arm with a smile. I press it.
"Hey Shawn! Guess what? I'm so in love with you."
I look at her and I can see the tears in eyes as they are threatening to spill over. I can feel the tears in my eyes starting to form. I pull her close and kiss her softly for awhile. When I pull away, "Kayla, you are gorgeous, crazy, funny, awesome, and adventurous. You stole my heart when I first saw your face when I walked out into the room for the meet and greet. Your blue shirt bringing out your gorgeous brown green eyes and blonde hair. You were instantly my whole world. I will tell you it will be tough but Kayla, I am so madly and deeply in love with you and I would do anything to be with you. Will you be my girlfriend and accept this promise ring that shows my promise to you?" I pull out the ring in my pocket that is a ring from my ancestors. My grandma gave it to me when I was younger to give to a special lady one day as a promise to give my unconditional love to her.
She is smiling and crying lightly as she hears the words coming out my mouth. "Shawn I saw a completely different side of you than the Shawn that is on the stage and in interviews. I saw the crazy, funny, and amazing Shawn Mendes. You stole my heart for the second time in just a matter of hours and I can't imagine my life without you in it. I'm so deeply in love with you and yes it would be an honor to be your girlfriend."
I feel the tears stream down my face. I am so happy! I grab her face gently and kiss her lips. She is the most beautiful girl in the world and I have the privilege of being her boyfriend.
Kaylas POV
Shawn gets one of the waitress to come in and take a picture of Shawn putting on my promise ring and one of us holding each other's bears.
When I look at the pictures I can not stop looking at them. We look so happy!
"Kayla I have a question?"
"Yes babe?"
"I like when you call me babe by the way."
I laugh, "What is the question Shawn?"
"Oh yeah. Do you want me to announce this to my fans or do you wanna wait?"
I contemplate this for a minute, "They will wonder why we are hanging out all the time and they will see the ring. We might as well tell them so it looks like we aren't hiding anything."
He smiles and kisses my cheek, "Good point!"
When we get back to the tour bus I lay down with him for a few minutes as we are on our phones.
Shawn posts the pictures of us and tags me. His caption is, "It's official. I can finally start calling this babe my babe. I love you to the moon and back darling. ❤️ #dontworryitsapromisering #notaweddingring"
I immediately start getting thousands of followers on my Instagram and twitter.
He looks over when my phone is constant dinging. I post the same pictures on my Instagram and caption "Finally official. Best boyfriend everz. Love you more babe! ❤️ #promisering
I look at the time and it is 8:30. I suddenly get a text from my mom. Just wanted to make sure you were okay and that you were heading home soon. Would like to see you before I go to bed.
I immediately text her back. "Be home in an hour or two. Love you! See you soon!!"
Shawn and I cuddle until Alex and Brooke get back from their walk. When it was time to go Shawn and I walked to the drivers side of the car and Alex and Brooke walked to the passenger side to say goodbye.
Shawn was giving me his number, "I put your name in my phone as hubby ❤️ and he put my name as wifey ❤️ in his phone.
"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Shawn says softly.
I do a pouty lip and say, "Until tomorrow."
He smiles and kisses my pouty lip until I kiss him back and I run my hands up and down his head and he grips my hips. After about a minute I turn to see Alex and Brooke finishing up their talk and Brooke getting in the car.
"Laters babe." I wink at him
He laughs, "bye babe." He gives me one last kiss before I get in the car.
He leans in the window, "text me when you get home so I know you got home safely." I agree and wave goodbye as we head home. Brooke and I talk the whole way home because we haven't talked alone since we had been with the boys. She told me that her and Alex really hit it off but they weren't dating.
She can't see him tomorrow because she has to work so today was the last day she can hang before they go back to their tour.
When we pull into my driveway Brooke hugs me and goes to her house. I quickly text Shawn that I was home and I get a immediate response with a heart and a thumbs up.
When I walk in mom asks why I'm dressed so pretty. I looked down and forgot I was still in my dress. I ditched the heels in the car.
That is when I told my mom, my best friend, everything that happened. Well almost everything. I left somethings out like the bathroom, where I stayed, and all the bad things. I told her how amazing it went and how in love I am with Shawn. She was so shocked and she thought I was lying at first until I showed her the pictures and Shawn's post and etc. She was so happy for me!
This is when I decided to ask her if I could stay tomorrow night with them "on the couch".
She said she trusted me enough that I could spend the night tomorrow night and that she trusted me to make right decisions. I nodded and went to bed. It was already 11:30 when I got in bed. I texted Shawn that I would be over at the bus by 10 tomorrow. I finally went to sleep.

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