Chapter 7

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"Kayla Marie Branham."
He smiles, "Pretty. What is your favorite food?"
"Good if you would have said like salad or something healthy I would have been mad. No girls favorite food is lettuce."
I laugh and I can feel myself calming down from the heights.
We move up a space and he resumes the questions. "Favorite..... movie?"
"I guess I don't really have a favorite movie because a lot of them are awesome. But I like action and comedy's. I love fast and furious series."
"Me too! Which one is your favorite of them?"
"I don't think any of them top the first one."
"Yes I love them. But my favorite is Harry Potter series."
I smile because I already knew that. Lol. Fan girl.
We go back and forth talking until we reach the very top of the Ferris wheel.
The view was beautiful.
I feel his lips on the side of the head as he gives me a light kiss.
I look over at him and smile. This was was pretty great too. He looks into my eyes as if asking for permission.
He slowly leans in and kisses me on my lips. Omg I'm kissing Shawn Mendes. His lips are so soft against mine and I can feel his other hand on my cheek. The kiss last for a little bit but when we separate I feel like I'm floating on clouds. I didn't know if it was just me or if he felt the same. He gave me a huge smile and I nestled up against him again. We we got off the Ferris wheel we heading to the animals farm even though Brooke and I already went earlier today. I'm not going to complain. I get to hang out with Shawn!
We walked hand in hand and petted all of the animals. Shawn really loved the llama the best. He kept imitating it which made me laugh really hard. He pulled me close and acted like a llama extending a neck like he was spitting until he pecked my lips over and over again. I laughed lightly and he had a big grin on his face.
This is officially the best day ever and the concert hasn't even began.
Shawn looked at his phone that buzzed in his pocket.
"It's from Andrew. He wants me to come rehearse for the show. Do you wanna come?"
"Sure. Let me message Brooke to let her know where we are."
We start walking towards the back stage area while I text Brooke.
We walked hand in hand until we were backstage and hand to get his instruments. I sat on a stool on the side of the stage as he warmed up. He kept glancing towards me like he was checking to make sure I was still there. After he warms up the songs he walked over and stood in front of my stool. I looked up at him.
"Where are you sitting for the concert so I can sing to you tonight?"
I blush, "second row in the middle in front of the mike."
"Great." He smiles and then pecks my lips again before dragging me onto the stage.
"Do u play guitar?"
I laughed, "No, I have never been musically gifted."
He smiles lightly and then strums a couple cords. "Sing with me."
I know the song immediately.
He sings a couple of lyrics, "I love it when you don't say no. I love it when you do what you want because you just said so."
I start softly singing at the chorus and his face lights up. He smiles wide and keeps singing. Luckily I don't see any of the crew around because I get nervous really fast.
After the chorus he stop strumming. We smile and look at each other for a few more seconds before Andrew comes onto the stage.
"Hey Shawn! People are going to be coming in in ten minutes. Oh hey! Who is this?"
"This is Kayla." Shawn answers for me.
"Hi Kayla! Nice to meet you! I'm Andrew!"
"Hey Andrew!" I say politely.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but the fans are trying to come in and you can't be out here when they do." He smiles at us.
We nod and Andrew walks off the stage.
Shawn turns to me, "I have to go change for the show but can we meet after the show at my trailer?"
I nod, "Sure. Do I need to find someone that will take me there?"
"After the concert just go around that gate around there and I will tell the guard to let you and Brooke through." "Okay dokay!"
"Haha I love it when you say that."
I blush.
"Can I have one last kiss before the show?" He says with a big grin.
I smile lightly and wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel his hands go on my hips and squeeze. I laugh into a slow and meaningful kiss. It was amazing!
After the kiss I walk off towards the gate where Brooke texted me she was waiting for me. I feel his eyes on me as I leave. I smile back at him and yell, "Goodluck Mendes."
He then blows a kiss towards me. I blush so much but luckily I'm too far away for him to notice to badly.

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