Chapter 14

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Kayla's POV
I pull him closer and I can tell he is staring at my body. I whisper in his ear, "Shawn, you can stay in here and shower and I'll go out there and change." I start laughing lightly because he thought I was going to say something like can I shower with you or something sexual.
He smiles and gives me a really look.
I smile big and give him one last kiss on the cheek before going into the closed room in the back of the bus that holds everyone's clothes.
I quickly change into my clothes and use my mirror in my makeup bag to do my hair and makeup. Once Shawn is out and dressed and I'm dressed and ready we leave. I drive my car since Shawn obviously didn't bring his keep on tour. While I drive to the secret spot I haven't told Shawn he places his hand on my thigh. I wasn't expecting it and jumped a little. He quickly took it away and said, "I'm sorry. Do you not want me to?"
I smile at him and grab his hand. "No no you can I just didn't expect it and it scared me a little haha." I bring his hand up to my mouth and kiss the outside and then place it on my thigh.
When we get to a stop light I look over at Shawn that is looking at me.
I smile and blush, "What? Is there something on my face?"
He shakes his head and says, "No I'm just staring because you're so gorgeous."
I blush even harder and he leans over a kisses my cheek.
We arrive in the Waffle House parking lot and Shawn makes sure he is wearing his hat since it would look weird to have a hat and sunglasses on in a little restaurant. As we enter the restaurant he pulls down his hat a little to make sure no one recognizes us.
We are eating our food when the waitress puts out check on our table. I grab it and Shawn with a mouthful of pancakes says, "Nope, No, Nu uh, Nope, give it here."
I smile and put my card in the book and quickly give it back to the waitress while Shawn tries to grab it from me and her. Once she is away from the table and finalizing our order he gives me a pouty face.
"What's wrong?"
"I wanted to pay for you." He gives me a sad face and pokes his food like a child that got in trouble.
"Aw Shawn. You know what..."
He looks up with hope and smiles lightly.
"... suck it up. I paid."
He tries to stay serious but starts laughing when I laugh. He grabs my hand across the table and intertwines his finger with mine.
I smile down at our hands and finish my drink.
As we are leaving Waffle House we decide to go to the mall 10 minutes away. I texted Brooke if Alex and her wanted to go but she said they were going to go hang out somewhere else. She texted me a winky face and told me to have fun.
When we get to the mall Shawn quickly gets out of the car, runs to my side and opens the door. "Since I can't be a gentleman and pay for your food, I have to be a gentleman every other way." He smiles big at me and I laugh lightly and accept his hand to get out of the car. The whole way into the mall we would squeeze our hands back and forth. We go to belk first and look around. After we finished in the girls section we go over to the guys section for Shawn.
I hold up options for shirts (some of the ridiculously ugly to make him laugh) and he either laughs or shakes his head. He didn't find anything that he loved so we moved on to a different store, then another, and another. We were walking around with his arm around my shoulder and talking about some pretty random things and making jokes to each other. There were a bunch of times I would kiss his cheek or he would kiss my temple or squeeze me closer to his side. And I could not be more happy. I love this side of Shawn and the famous Shawn. I love getting to know him and I love seeing him as a normal teenager and not some celebrity.
We start to pass build a bear before I'm dragged into the place by Shawn.
We walk over to the wall of animals that are deflated. We decide to get each other an animal and we can't see the others choices. I close my eyes as he picks one and he walks away while I pick one. I end up picking a pink bear with hearts on them and after he gets his stuffed I walk over and get mine stuffed. We get clothes and dress it up and check out. We still hadn't looked at each other's and we told the lady to put them in the box with our showing each other. My pink bear had a soccer uniform on! I wanted it to represent me so when I leave he has a bear like me. I put a special saying in my bear before getting it stitched.
After we check out we decide to open our boxes to each other after dinner later tonight. We decided we wanted to go somewhere nice before I had to go home.

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