Chapter 5

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"What!?!" Brooke said.
"I said that Shawn-"
"I know what you said I just can't believe it we are going to be hanging out with Shawn Freaking Mendes and his friends! By the way he is totaling digging you! He has heart eyes for you and you only. I am definitely fine with you and Shawn btw. And especially since he has a little friend he wants to set me up with.

"I'm so relieved because I thought it would be weird or awkward that he might like me and tried to set you up with a friend."
"Girl you should know me better than that! I am not the type of person to get mad over something like this. Especially since I know how much you love him! I would never get mad!"
I hug her tightly and kiss her on the cheek. "I love you Brooke! Thank you for always being there for me!"
"That is what best friends are for."
We make sure our makeup and hair looks good and we head out the back door to the tour bus. I don't see any fan girls so we are in the clear. I knock on the tour bus door and next thing I know a teenage boy answers it. Not Shawn but it might be Alex.
He confirmed my thought after he said, "Hey I'm Alex! You must be Brooke and Kayla! Shawn is in his room getting changed into something different. Come on in!"
I smile and we walk into the trailer. It is exactly how I pictured it. Big and music stuff everywhere lol.
Shawn walks out of his room with a new tee shirt, jeans, sunglasses, and a hat on top of his gorgeous hair.
He looks up at me and says, "Hey gorgeous! Ready to go?"
I look at him confused but still with a smile since I can't stop smiling. "Go where?"
He points into the direction of the fair. "The fair silly."
"You are going into the fair where you can be mauled by 17 year old girls?"
He smiles even bigger showing me his beautiful teeth, "that is why I have this disguise and I am not bringing security so they don't see anything out of the ordinary."
"Okay. As long as you think we aren't going to be mauled then it's fine with me.
On the inside I'm freaking out but on the outside I just look happy to be there. We walk to the opposite side of the park entrance so no one would expect to enter.
Alex and Brooke start talking to each other in front of us and Shawn and I walk alone behind them.
He reaches for my hand and intertwines his fingers in them. Probably so people don't look at him more than once. Not for me. Am I just a disguise. But then he does something I don't expect. He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses the top of it as we walk.
Omg I can't breathe.

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