Chapter 4

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Many more people asked questions but I kept only focusing on Shawn.
After a few questions Shawn says, "Why don't we take some pictures."
He smiles at us and the crew members get the right side, the left side in the line and then puts us in the back. That's fine with me to be honest because I get lasting impression. Haha.

The line moves slowly forward and then it is Brooke's turn. She hugs him tightly and takes a cute picture with him. I'm steadily taking off guard pictures of them on the side while they are getting ready for the main cameras shot. She gives him one last hug and then moves to the side so she can take pictures of Shawn and I.

Everything goes in slow motion again. I start walking to Shawn and I am so out of it I didn't even hear what he said.
"I'm sorry, what?"
He laughs lightly, "I said hello there gorgeous!"
He just called me freaking gorgeous.
I smile and say, "Says the handsome one"
He smiles and reaches out to grab my hand. I gladly let him take it and he intertwines his fingers with mine.
He does a mini salsa turn to where I turn into him where I am face towards his chest.
I give him a tight hug with the free hand I had and it kind of looked like we were slow dancing. I felt his hand move to my hip in the hug. God I never wanted this to end. After a few seconds of hugging we get set for our main camera picture. He wraps his arms around me and intertwines his fingers on top of my hand! Omg I'm in heaven. I am smiling so hard in the picture when the camera flashes. Best day of my life!
After the picture he turns me into him again and tells me, "Do you wanna hang out now until the concert in a few hours?"
I am in such disbelief I thought I heard him wrong. "Me? You wanna hang out with me?"
He smiles and puts his hands on my hips as I intertwine my fingers behind his neck.
He smiles big and says, "Yes please."
I look over at Brooke and she is steadily taking pictures and smiling so hard.
"Can Brooke come?"
"Sure! And actually one of my friends that came on tour with me thought she was really cute when he say her walk in."
"Really? Who?"
"His name is Alex."
I unwrap my hands from around his neck and he releases his hands from my hip but only to grab my hands again.
"Pleaseeeee come hang out. I would really like to get to know you"
I look over  at Brooke that has no idea what we are talking about and I look back at Shawn and say, "Yeah! Sure. Let me go talk to Brooke and use the restroom and then we can meet you...."
"Meet me at the bus in the back after all the girls from in here leave. They should be heading out now."
I smile and say, "okay dokay!"
He gives me one last squeeze on my hands and says, "see you in a few."
But then he doesn't let go. I am the one to let go. That was so hard to do btw.
I walk towards Brooke and she is waving to Shawn. I quickly bring her to the bathroom and make sure no one is in there.

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