Chapter 15

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Shawn's POV
Kayla and I get ready for our dinner tonight. Alex and Brooke are relaxing on the couch watching a movie. They both don't like going out and doing things. Like prefer sitting down and relaxing.
We decide to go to blue fin, which is a nice restaurant.
I'm wearing a nice navy blue shirt, black pants, and black shoes.
Kayla bought an outfit for tonight at the mall and wouldn't let me see it until now. When she walks out of the bathroom I thought my jaw hit the floor. She was wearing this gorgeous white strapless lace dress that goes to the middle of her thigh. She is wearing bright red heels. And had her hair curled and in a cute half up half down look. She looked stunning. She walks over to me and she is about the same height as me now but not quite. She puts her hands around my neck and I softly place mine on her hips.
I am still staring at how beautiful she looks when I say, "I don't know how you looked so beautiful before but now.... I have no idea how you are so beautiful."
Kayla's POV
I blush and laugh lightly, "Its the genes I guess."
He laughs lightly and kisses my lips softly.
"You look so handsome Shawn. I can't believe I'm going to dinner with you."
He smiles, "Same for me. I don't know how I scored such a babe like you."
I blush and peck his lips one more time. "I'm glad I didn't put on my lipstick yet haha."
He gives me a devilish grin, "You might not want to put any on. With how gorgeous you look I might not be able to stop kissing you."
I blush and we intertwine hands and walk to my car. The drive to blue fin consisted of laughing, being kissed on my hand and cheek by Shawn, and him lightly rubbing my thigh with his hand.
When we arrive to the restaurant Shawn talks to the waitress about putting us into a corner where no one would recognize him while I get the build of bears out of the car and bring them into the restaurant. The waitress brings us over to a secluded room that has one table in the middle of the room. It is a round table and has roses and candles on the table. I look over at him and he smiles, "surprise! We have our own room to ourselves."
I smile to him and bring his hand to my lips. We sit at the table and place our orders. As we wait we talk about tomorrow and how it will go.
"So you are leaving tonight to go back home right?" Shawn asks.
"Yes, but I can convince my mom I want to come back out and do somethings here in Columbia or I'll make up something so we can spend tomorrow night together. That way i can get more clothes."
"Okay. That means we will have to get each other's phone numbers since we have had the need to get them yet."
I laugh and realize I don't even have his number.
Our food comes and we eat and after we finish Shawn looks over to our bears and I know he wants to open it up.
I smile and nod to him to open his up. He passes me mine but I wait because I wanna see his reaction but it seemed like he was doing the same thing. He wanted to see mine first. I slowly open the box and I see a brown fluffy teddy bear and when I pull it out it is wearing a soccer uniform.
"I wanted to get a teddy bear that remind you of me."
I smile, "your not going to believe me but I did the same thing. Open yours up."
"Wait first. Click the button."
I look for the button in the teddy bear and it takes me a few seconds to find it. I press it.
"Hey Kayla! I wanted to let you know, I'm in love with you."
I start to tear up and when I look at him he smiles and brings my chair closer to him. I hug him and he kisses my lips softly. "And I'm not pressuring you to say it. Say it when you feel it. I just wanted to let you know how I feel."
I nod and smile up at him. I kiss him one for time before he opens his box.
He pulls open his box.

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