Chapter 18: You's Stabbed Us All In The Back

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For the night, I forgot about what Jack did to me. Being with Spot made me forget all my worries. I woke up to the sound of Spot walking on the wood floor. I half opened my eyes and saw him getting dressed. I took a deep breath and sighed. Spot heard me.

"Good mornin' sunshine." He said.

I closed my eyes again and smiled. This made me happy. Being with Spot was the best thing in the world. Everything from last night was then coming back to me. My face became neutral and I sat up. I rubbed my hands on my face to wake me up a little bit more. The sun blared through the window. The warmth felt nice against my pale skin. 

Spot sat next to me on the bed. "You's look so beautiful."

He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. He then grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"You ready?" Spot asked. 

I nodded. I had to come to realization at some point. I dreaded it though. I just wanted to stay here, under the covers with Spot next to me. I pushed the sheets off, slipped on my shoes, and pulled my hair into my cap. We walked out and Spot told the Brooklyn newsies that we were heading to Manhattan for the strike. The boys got themselves ready.

Spot was in the lead. It was like a general leading his troops onto the battlefield. I stood back a bit and talked to Zip for a bit. Spot was having a conversation with Nick, who was one of his really good friends, and another very good newsie. 

"So Zip, how did you get the job as Spot's runner?" I asked. Runner was the messenger. That's what us newsies called them because they just ran everywhere, delivering messages from news boy, to news boy. Manhattan had one, Red was his name. Nice kid.

"Dunno, just sorta had the job handed to me one day, and I obviously couldn't refuse it." Zip smiled. "Not a terrible job though, workin' for the best." 

The runners were mostly younger kids. Zip seemed about 10 or 11 years old. He had blonde hair and green eyes. His head came up to about my chest. He was a cute kid, and seemed to be liked by the other boys.

"Finn, come up here." I heard Spot say. 

"Talk to ya lata Zip." I said. He nodded at me. 

I jogged a little to catch up with Spot and Nick. "What's up?"

"This is Nick," Spot said pointing to him. "He's a good friend of mine I thought you'd meet. Nick, this is Finn, Jack Kelly's little sista."

"Heya Finn. Jackie boys sista, eh?" He nodded at me. "Nice to meet ya." 

"You too." I told him. We would spit shake, but we were moving at a pretty quick pace and Spot was in between us, so it was a bit of a reach.

"He's one we can trust wit your secret." Spot said.

"If you trust him, then I trust him." I said to him, punching him lightly in the shoulder.

Spot smiled. I guess he liked that I was getting to like the Brooklyn newsies. The three of us talked for the rest of the time on our way to Manhattan. Nick was pretty impressed I kept my secret as a girl for so long. He also asked some questions like, "how was it being a sibling of the great Jack Kelly" and "did all the Manhattan newsies know my secret". 

We finally reached Manhattan and the newsies were standing in front of the gates opening to get the papes. It looked like mostly Manhattan newsies, but news boys from other places were here as well. I'm sure more will show up as the day goes on, it was still early.

I saw Race and went up to him and gave him a hug. "Brought ya some friends." I said, pointing to  the Brooklyn newsies and Spot. 

"Heya Spot." Race said.

Brooklyn's Queen: A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now