How I Died

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(y/n) P.O.V

Since I was set free I thought things could get back to normal. But he came back. I kept think this can't be happening, but it was. I've been here so many times before, luckily I made some friends with the goons. 

"No. No. No. You have to help me Chris! Please!" I kept pleading with one of the goons.

"You know I can't do that (y/n)." He replies.


"You can't get away from him." 

"Yes I can," I say back.

"How?" He says stepping closer.

"You can shoot me." I say pulling out a gun that I snatched off the table.

"No....but you can pretend." He says taking the gun.

It went down from there. Together we set up the scene. Then BANG! The shot went off. I injected the drugs that would slow my pulse. I was free.

************Time skip**********

"Hello, Can I take your order?" I say to a woman sitting on the patio.

"Yes. I'll have a.."

Her voice dulls out as I stop listening. 'Is that?' I say to myself. 

I hurry inside as I see him get up and start walking towards me. 

 He was looking right at me.


Sorry if that sucked. Please give me feedback and some suggestions if you have any!

:) :D   

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