The Bat

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(y/n) POV

I woke up tied to a chair. I found myself looking around and realized that it was a cave. I jump as I hear a voice behind me.

"Why did you break him out!?" Said a rough voice.

"I don't know what your talking about" I reply.

"You broke the Joker out of Black Gate" The voice stated, "I want to know why"

"I'm not telling you anything, so you might as well turn me to the police." 

"Tell me!" 

I feel his anger sounding in his voice. I turn my head only to be met by shadows. 

"I'm not telling you." I state plainly

"Don't make me do this" He replies.

"Do what? Huh?" I answer, " Ya gonna hurt me?"

"I'm gonna have to, to get answers"

" I doubt you could hurt me"


I feel my restraints loosen and I take this as my chance. I quickly stand and turn, punching him in the gut. He goes down as I start to run. I didn't get far before I feel my hair being pulled. 

"Let go of me!" I scream as he puts a cloth to my face.

**********time skip***********

I wake up again, but this time strapped to a table. I look around and there stood the bat.

"You have to stop doing that" I say shaking my head.

"You have to start talking" He replies taking a bat shaped thing out from his belt. He walks towards me with it and right where Joker branded me, he branded me again with the bat symbol. I felt ashamed, I was being branded again. 'Would the joker take me back? Or does he have a new girl already?' I push these thoughts aside as Batman starts to set up electro shock therapy equipment.

"What are you gonna do with those toys?" I ask him.

He stops and turns towards me.

"Toys?" He asks

"Yeah, toys." I reply

"You've experienced these before?"

"Yes, J said I had to, in order to get used to torture. You know, in case I got caught."

"Well, this is gonna hurt a whole lot worse."

To Get AwayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora