The Kiss

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****(Y/N) POV******

I can't get him out of my head. The look of fear and hurt in Jokers eyes, and then it turning to anger. I realized that he wasn't pointing the gun at Bruce. He was pointing it at me. I can't help but wonder if he really cared about me. He- I stop writing as Bruce walks in the room with a tray of food. We got in an argument last night and stormed out of the mansion only to be brought back by the Bat. He's the last person I wanted to see right now. He closes the door behind him and sets the tray of food on my desk.

"Morning" He says turning towards me.

I close my journal and set it on the desk. I walk back to the window and continue to stare out at the woods, tears steaming down my face. I hear his footsteps come closer. I turn around and look into his eyes. He stops inches from me. 

"I'm sorry" He says looking me strait in the eyes.

"I am, too" I reply

He wraps his arms around me. I don't pull away. I don't struggle. He leans in and we kiss. Gentle at first, but when I kiss back he pulls me into a more passionate one. I pull away and catch my breath. His breathing was heavy, too. I look into his eyes and realize this feeling he has for me was not new. He holds me in his arms until his phone starts ringing.

"You gonna answer that?" I ask

"Yeah, yeah" He says taking it out.

He exits that room and answers his phone. "Bruce Wayne speaking" "Yeah, yeah I'm on my way."

He steps back into the room. "I have to go. Work emergency."

"Oh. Ok, I'll just stay here. Call me when your done." I say giving him a hug as he leaves.

*****Time Skip******

It's been hours since Bruce left. I sit on the windowsill and watch the birds. I hear a car doors and look to see several black cars. I see several men in black suits. I text Bruce.


Me: Bruce? Do you have anyone coming over? 


No why?

Me: There are several men in suits in the driveway.


I'm on my way. Go to your hiding spot. NOW

I head over to the closet as I hear the front door blow open. I get in my hiding spot and wait. I soon hear footsteps of several men going up the stairs. I wait until I hear them enter my room when I turned on my phone the to video surveillance. Earlier that week I had put up cameras around my room, as to catch if anyone was to break in. I look at the screen and watch as they go through my room. I watch in horror as they go to my closet and go through it. Lucky for me they didn't find the panel. They exit the room and yell 'clear' to someone down stairs. I switch to the camera outside my door and see who he was yelling at. Joker. 

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