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(y/n) POV

It took him several days to believe that I was actually here. He wakes up every morning and holds me until I wake up. He won't let me near my guns, but he doesn't know that I have my blades. I hope that he can forgive me for the pain I caused him. I don't even forgive myself sometimes. I wish I never did this to him. I-

I stop writing as J walks into the room. 

"Morning" I say wrapping my arms around his neck

"Morning beautiful" He replies pulling me into a kiss.

"Whats on the schedule today, Mr.J?" 

"I have a meeting today." He states holding me tighter.

"Does that mean I have the house to myself?" I ask

"No.... you are coming with me."


"There is no 'but'," He interrupts, "I'm not letting you out of my sight and that's that."

"Okay, Mr.J, I'll go get dressed." I say walking out of the room.

I walk out if the living room and head to my room. I glance behind me and he is following me. I turn around as he closes our bedroom door. I go to my walk-in closet and grab my new red and black dress that I bought on amazon. 

"How does this look?" I say as I pull the dress out of the closet

"You better try it on and then ask me." He says with a smirk

"Alright Mr.J" I say about to put the dress on.

 He stands up and walk towards me.

"How bout I put it on you instead?" His smile never leaving.

*********Time skip************

"This meeting is boring" I complained 

"I told you I'm not letting you out of my sight" He states

"what if I have to go to the bathroom?" I ask

"Then I'll go with you" He says smiling

Just then I hear gun shots down stairs. I rush to the staircase to see what was going on when Batman goes through the window and crashes into me.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Joker yell just before I black out.

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