Chapter 33

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This Is just a filler!!!



"Why  what?"

"Why save a stranger?"

"Your not a stranger Dick"

"How did you know?"

"I just did"

***Y/N POV****

"when'd you find out?" He asks

"Last night actually, I had a dream about your captivity."

He seemed surprised but didn't question it.

"How long till he wakes up?"

"Honestly? I don't know."

"Oh...well I'm going to bed. Good night Y/N"

"Night Dick."

He then makes his way up the stairs to his room. I look over Bruce once more before making myself comfortable on the other couch and fall into a light sleep.

****Bruce/Batman POV****

I was floating in darkness. then suddenly it was gone, replaced with a bright light. I know, I know 'don't go into the light' But who listens? As I'm heading into the light I hear voices, then the pain starts. First its in my arms then it travels down to my feet. the light brightens and the pain subsides a little. The voices are back but little clearer. Then as soon as it came, the light disappeared and I was left in the dark again. was silence.

*********The next morning***********

****Y/N POV****

I wake up to the sound of footsteps entering the room. I slowly open my eyes and am greeted with blue eyes. I jump back in surprise.

"Jason what are you doing?" I ask rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

"He's gone"

That wakes me up, I bolt up and look towards the couch  that I left Bruce on. He wasnt there.

"Damn It!"


I look towards the voice and see Dick leaning against the wall.

" What am I supposed to say, 'Gosh Diddy Darn'? Bruce is gone!" my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"He's down at the cave."

"Oh" I reply sitting back down, "Well that was awkward" 

Instead of responding Jason burst out laughing. Not long after I joined in a fit of giggles, that turned into full out laughing tears streaming down my face. For as the Joker says, laughter is like a disease, it spreads quickly. 

****Jason POV****

After she swore It was very hard to keep in my laughter when Dick said language. When she replied with 'Gosh Diddy darn' I almost lost it. Then she said it was awkward, I lost it.  I burst out laughing, and soon she followed. Her laugh was like silk, it was beautiful. The way her eyes light up when she laughs is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Wait! Did I just? Bruce is gonna kill me when he finds out. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my name being spoken.

"-son, JASON!"

 I look around and realize that Bruce, Dick, And Y/N are staring at me.


"You've been staring into space for like five minutes. What'cha thinkin' 'bout?" Y/N replies

"Oh, uh, nothing just, um, nothing" I say a little too quickly.

"mhhm, sure. And Bruce is Spider-Man, speakin' of Bruce.  Your looking better than yesterday. I guess you could take off your bandages."

For some reason I got this feeling in my chest. when she said he looked better. I knew she meant his wounds but, I don't know, I'll ask Dick about it later. 

****POV Change****

****Y/N POV****

Wow. I haven't laughed like that since....him. the laughter soon dies down and I look at Jason. He was staring at nothing in particular. I wave my hand in front of his face. When that doesn't work I start to call his name.

"Jason....Jason, JASON!"

He snaps to attention to see Dick, Bruce, and I looking at him.....Wait BRUCE?!? When'd he get  in here? Wasn't he down in his cave? Or- I snapped out of it when Jason responds.


"You've been staring into space for like five minutes. What'cha thinkin' 'bout?" I reply.

"Oh, uh, nothing just, um, nothing" He responds quickly.

"Mhhm, sure. And Bruce is Spider-man, speakin' of Bruce. Your looking better than yesterday. I guess you could take off your bandages." I glance at Jason and see- is that jealousy? No it can't be-can it? 

I shake my head and turn towards the stairs, "I'm going to my room, I need to think"

****POV Change****

****Dick POV****

I watch them laugh, I look at Jason and see the look on his face. I know that look. He likes her. Shit. How am I gonna tell him no? He's so innocent, but I see how he likes her. She is beautiful, smart, And she has a lot of sarcasm. I just hope he doesn't get hurt in the end.

****POV Change****

****Y/N POV****

I get to my room and close the door. I lock it and make my way to the window. I open it and start my climb towards the roof. I get up there and just look at the waking City. Gotham was beautiful, from the distance of course. I watched the sunrise. After it was a good way up, I criss-crossed my legs, placing my hands on my knees, and decided to meditate. Forgetting the world and my troubles, getting lost in the peacefulness. Becoming one with my surroundings. After some time I felt another presence on the roof with me. Fully focusing on it I found I could feel his emotions. They were mixed, like he was nervous. Without opening my eyes, I called out.

"What can I help you with?"

I heard the footsteps come closer and stop next to me. He sat down and paused before answering.

"How'd you know I was there?"

"Well, Jason, What I was doing is called Meditation. It channels all your emotions and helps you become one with your surroundings. I use it to help me control my anger. Others use it to gain what people call a 'sixth' sense. Before you were there I was at peace, not that your not peaceful. But when you stepped onto the roof, I could feel your presence. When you stood there, there was a change in the atmosphere, Thus allowing me to feel your presence. Even when your were completely silent. You too Dick. I know your there."

"How? You weren't even meditating." Jason asks puzzled.

"That doesn't mean I'm not one with my surroundings"

While I was speaking He made his way over to us and sat on my other side.

"Now that that's over, tell me whats wrong. Both of you"

"What are you talking about?" Dick replies

"When I sensed your presences you both brought a nervous I'll ask you again. What's bothering you guy's?"

****DUN DUN DUN****

Will Jason tell her, or will he chicken out? And will Bruce find out? How will he feel?

Hey guy's sorry for not updating sooner! Please don't yell at me. But enjoy.

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