A Silent Fight

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(y/n) POV

I open my eyes and I'm back in the warehouse. I look around to find I'm not alone. There was a man tied to a chair. He had a blue and black suit, kinda like Batman's but without the cape. I walk to the man and look into his eyes. Time seemed to stop as I remove his mask. I step back and bump into someone. I turn around and standing there is Joker.

"You like my toy?" He says stepping towards the man in the chair, " Finally I can rid this city of you Night-wing."

As he's saying this he grabs a knife and plunges it into the mans chest.



I shoot up from the couch I was sleeping on. The bad feeling in the pit of my stomach never leaving, I get up and exit the study. I go to my room and rummage through the dresser. I finally find what I was looking for and I quickly change into a full body leather suit. I go to the bathroom and put my hair into a tight bun. I give one final loo at myself and head out towards Joker's warehouse. Before I could leave Jason walks out and stops.

"Where are you going?" He has tears in his eyes

"What happened to Dick?" I ask ignoring his question

"How'd you know something happened?"

"He's Night-wing, I had a dream about him. And I know where he is."

His face brighten up when I say I knew where he was.

"How?" Bruce walks in with his mask off.

"Just a hunch" I say walking past Jason.

"How?" Jason says grabbing my arm

" In a dream, he was at Jokers place. He was tied to a chair. I walked over to him and removed his mask. Joker came out of the shadows as I backed away from Dick. Joker then plunged a knife into his chest. I-I know somethings wrong. I have to go." I say pulling away from him.

"I'm going with you."

"NO! Jason I can't lo-" I stop, "I can't lose the only friend I have."

He wraps his arms around me, in a hug. I hug back and smile faintly.

"Then I'll go with you." Bruce speaks up as I break the embrace

"No. Your tired, you'll only slow things down." 

And with that I leave.

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