Chapter 16 Part 1

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AN: OMFG I'm so sorry for the late update! I was a little busy, but I made this chapter almost 8K long so I hope it's worth the wait... longest chapter in a chaptered fic I wrote. Please note that future chapters won't necessarily be as long as this one.

Oh! Huge thanks to my friend, Baby_Day_Dreamer , for making a trailer for this book! Check the vid above! I will also post the vid on the prologue lolol ☺️☺️☺️

"I can't believe we're going to the beach!" Lauren cheered from the back, "A week vacay on a private beach!"

"And I can't believe our boss actually gave us a week off," Zayn added, "Thanks to Louis."

"You both deserve it." Louis smirked as he drive and tries to keep his eyes on the road and not on Zayn's smooth legs since he's wearing denim shorts with a crop top and a red and black striped flannel, "Though, your boss did say to like use the beach as a reference in your game or future ones."

"No problem, I got this." Lauren chuckled, "It sucks the twins and Luke can't come. Poor Mikey." she cooed at the baby beside her, who is fascinated by what he is seeing outside the window.

"Yeah, why can't they come again?" Zayn asked as he shifted a little to look at Lauren.

"Their dad wants to spend some time with them. He finally have a stable job so he's celebrating that with his children, which is really nice." the raven haired girl explained.

"Well, I'm sure Liam will let us use his private beach next time." Louis shrugged.

It's been a almost a week since their oceanarium trip, and Louis hates that he only has one day left to be under the same roof as Zayn. The past days were spent normally, Louis will drive to work, driving Michael and Zayn on their own destinations on the way, then drive them all home in the evening as they talk about their day. Harry was never mentioned and it calms Louis' nerve at the end of the day. At home, he and Zayn still find the strength to cook dinner while Michael seats on his high chair and just babbling to himself. And after dinner, they'll watch tv for a while until it's Michael's bed time, though the two adults would still go back to the family room in the second floor and they would watch some movies.

So in Louis' opinion, their relationship seems to be rising. They're actually doing things a family do, and the brunette is happy with that. All he needs now is that Zayn being officially his, and that's how this trip was planned.

It was actually Liam that thought of the beach hang out. It is for Louis to impressed Zayn again. And it also may or may not be because Louis doesn't really want any more interaction between Harry and Zayn, it wasn't that hard convincing Zayn's boss to give them a week off, the powerful brunette really has a charm that makes people do whatever he wants them to. Louis took Lauren with him too so Harry will really have no connections to Zayn besides stalking his Zumblrbook. He has no idea what the curly haired is doing, Harry's been really quiet except for keeping up with Zayn's posts and loving and reblogging it, and it's making Louis a little paranoid if the green eyed asshole is planning something, so he's stepping his game further up.

"I can't believe he asked us to join you two, thought it's just like those 'bro nights'." Zayn chuckled.

"Nah, we're getting sick of each other's face." Louis laughed, "And he wants to meet you two, and Mikey of course, since you three have been on my page and stuff lately."

"Really? Well, I am also a little curious about him." Zayn hummed as he remembers that guy's face.

"Why? Do you find him hot or...?" Louis frowned, he doesn't want another competition, especially if it's his best friend.

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