Flo ~LovelyLivvi

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Title: Flo

Length: 41 pages+

Genre: Teen Adventure


Rate: PG-13


   The first chapter can really hook a reader to read onward~! The detaills are not too shabby nor too extravagant, but simple enough to make even the dullest conversations enjoyable! I have never seen this plotline before, so it was a pleasure to read somthing new and refreshing. I like how the characters have their own opinions that don't kill the the dialogue of the other characters. 

   Flo's character is charming! I don't see many heroines with awkward yet intruguing personalites, so she was like a new ray of sunshine~ :3 The way she interacts with the others is interesting. She reminds me of that shy girl who has a hard time socializing at first, but then opens up to certain individuals later in the future~ 

Rating: 4.8 out of 5 

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