Quintspinner: A Pirate's Quest ~DianneGreenlay6

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Title: Quintspinner: A Pirate's Quest

Length: 131 pages

Genre: Romance Historical Fiction


Rate: PG-13


   This is my first time reading a pirate-themed historical fiction story, and when it really grabbed my attention when I read the summary, I was engrossed into the storyline as a result! The first chapters may be short, but in my opinion that's a great idea because the introduction could then be carried out easier. I love how you liven up their language from the 16th century: in most stories I see just plain english. The details and imagery are clear and they flow! The prologue was very dark, and I was wondering, based from the summary, that that man might be the antagonist of the story, or maybe just some cold-hearted man. He wasn't the only character I was looking forward to, but also William and Tess. Their profiles weren't fully revealed just yet, they slowly unraveled with each chapter, so that was another factor I favored. 

   What struck out to me were the strong emotions. How you described William and Tess's emotions sky-rocketed out of the text. The diction was very powerful, and so far, I haven't seen a historical fiction story with this much influence on the reader, well, I guess me 'cause I'm doing the review, haha~ 

Rating: 5 out of 5~! (I'm planning to read this story in my library!)

   UPDATE: I'm almost done with the book, and at points I cannot put this story down. The amount of romance and action in this story is well to keep one awake at all times! I love the characters in this book! 


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