Whiskey || h.s au ~lirrysfloss

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Title: Whiskey || h.s au

Length: 5 pages

Genre: 1D Fan-Fiction


Rate: PG-13


   Don't be fooled by those 5 pages, to those who are reading this. The plot may not be easy to understand at first because the book is very short, but the message is very clear: loneliness and addiction. This is a very alien story idea to me because well, I've never seen any fan-fiction like this ever! It was an amazing and truly distinctive piece of fiction, and I was more please to find more books that tied to this one. Your story-telling was to the point, simple, engaging, and true to the point. I liked how each chapter was titled as "bottles" to indicate the degrade of Harry's mental health (or if there was a different purpose for those names)! The characters engaged with each other very well, and the girl was a great succumbus, too :) As for that sensual scene in Bottle 2 was pretty stimulating, and even though this story revolved around getting drunk and love, keeping the volume low on this scene was efficient. Overall, awesome story!! XDD

Rating: 5 out of 5 

^_^ ~ Keep writing more awesome 1D fan-fiction!

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