Friend Zone II N.H AU {book 2-completed} ~lirrysfloss

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Title: Friend Zone II N.H AU {book 2-completed}

Length: 4 pages

Genre: 1D Fan-Fiction


Rate: PG-13


   So I've done a previous review on "Whisky", the first book of this series. Short but sweet, this book is just the same. I like how each boy is becoming internally destroyed by a promising girl character, it just gives a twist from those other fanfictions. If you're reading this right now and you like 1D (or not) AND you haven't checked out this series, I highly suggest :3 Back to the review! The only thing I thought you could lessen was the amount of smut. For a small story like this, I thought there should be more suffering (well, something's wrong with me). Either way, it was enjoyable~

   This review was short because it wasn't much different than the first one. Also, sorry it took a while to post this >_<

Rating: 4.5 out of 5


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