Pandora's Box! ~iva_eva

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Title: Pandora's Box!

Parts: 16

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure


Rate: PG


   First of all, I haven't read a really compelling novella on Wattpad in a long time, and this was one of them!  I liked how deep your character analysis was for each important character, and in accordance to the drawings in your book, I could get a clear mental image of the person's looks and personalities!

   The story is really awesome It's really one-of-a-kind, and your style of writing reminds me of a voice reciting a folk tale, it's that different, and you mix a well-known story with modern time real well~! I liked seeing how Latika's and the other chosen ones' POV's weave together to create an entire story. It does get confusing at times because there're a lot of perspectives to take in account for, but while reading, it was easy to capture and embrace the plot. Overall, I really enjoyed the story, and it was refreshing :)

Rating: 5 out of 5

   (Also, I'm so sorry this review came so late! I'm glad I could write this review before college starts, but on the other hand, I hope you like the review!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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