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Title: The Nose and His Perfume

Length: 54 pages

Genre: Fantasy Adventure


Rate: G


   This story overall gives a fresh new theme of adventure. This idea is original, and the plot keeps the mysteriousness of the underground tunnels brewing. The characters are great, and I love their names! Bunny and Beau, to me, are adorable names and I also like how their personalities are a stark contrast despite being twins. So is The Nose: he oddly reminds me of Willy Wonka because he has that thing everyone wants yet he holds a dark secret~ In the comments of your book, someone mentioned this book relating to the Lemmeny Snicket series, and I have to give credit to that~ It does! Orphans, adventures, secrets, all those components thrive in this novel! 

   The details have touches of being antique yet unique. Your storyline manages to brush along the old-fashioned side and to be an original new idea :3 I can imagine this book to be like a small movie, and I would gladly watch it (of course with reading this first!). This book is a awesome read, this should gain more recognition!

Rating: 6 out of 5 stars (I did it, again! XD)

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