Chapter 21

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A New Chapter of Their Lives Begins

I never wanted to lose you. But I want you to be free. I wanted you to live life as a normal person will. I love you, no matter what.

-Brent Atticus Livson

You let me go. You let me live again. I know it'll hurt the both of us, especially you, but you did let go. I'm living a new life now, but I still keep on wandering, will you show up again?

-Bianca Cassandra Travis

I know I'm not your first. I think I have no chance to make you love me. But I will try. Going back to him might cause you to crash harder once one of you let go, so I'll be here, with open arms, willing to catch you.

-Inigo Raphael Ace

Bianca's POV

"Hannah," I called her. "Can you please check on Mrs. Hung instead of me? I can't walk around."

She gave a confused look. "Can't walk around?"

"Yeah, my feet hurts." I reasoned out. The truth is, I feel fine, physically.

"What should I do?" She asked.

"Tell her about her operation later and get her ready. Prepare everything she'll be needing. Make sure her health is good and she's mentally and emotionally fine." I explained.

"Will I still give her medicines?" She asked.


She went out after I gave her Mrs. Hung's chart. I don't want to go. What if Mr. Livson really is here? What if he's in his grandma's room? I don't want to see him.

That is the reason why the old lady looks familiar. She's his grandma and I already met her once.

My fingers started to fidget on the table, making clicky sounds. Sweat started to build up on my forehead. Gosh! We are fully airconditioned here!

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm nervous, okay? I mean, it's, well, um, not, so, um, jeez, speak straight Bianca!

I'm still not comfortable around any of them, any of the 7 of them. And I guess, Brent confessed to me, in an indirect way, that he likes me. Remember the first time I went to his house in Laguna? It's just too, super, ultra awkward!

"Dra." Hannah called. Oh, she came back. I didn't notice that.


"Someone wants to talk to you."

"Who wants to talk to me?" I keep my voice from shaking. Crap!

She smiled. "Someone handsome."

No way!

"Hannah!" I irritatedly shouted.

"You know him, Dra." She said before sitting. "Go out and you'll see him."

No way!

No way!

No way!

No way!

No way!

My brain shouted everytime I take a step. I nervously opened the door, expecting Brent there.



"Hey." I smiled.

"How are you?"

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