11 | the forgotten wallet

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Tiffany Sperling had always been an avid believer in aiding those around her. She usually did her community service in the police station: organizing classified files, bringing coffee to over worked police officers, such as the sheriff, Charlie Swan.

So when Charlie asked her to take a forgotten wallet to Waylon, another police officer who had taken the next three days off for a fishing trip, she gladly accepted it and went on her way to drop off the strip of leather.

She pulled up to the docks easily, having been there before. She pulled the car into park, removing the keys from the ignition. She reached for the wallet, and quickly reached for her coat. The usual rain was drizzling down around her, and she quickly zipped up her raincoat and headed in.

"Waylon?" She called. She froze as the sound of something banging against the wall sounded through her ears. The sound was heard again, but this time she took a compulsory step back. "Waylon? Are you in there? Its Tiffany, I have your wallet." She took multiple steps forward, her breath stuck in her throat as she glanced around the corner.

She froze as three figures came into view, they were all surrounding something, hunched over - and when the girl of the group stood from her spot, Tiffany couldn't help the horrified scream that left her lips.

Below the redhead lay Waylon, pale grey and his shirt spotted with blood. Tiffany staggered back, her back slamming against the concrete wall. Her shaky hand covered her mouth as she watched the girl slowly creep up to her, frozen in place.

"Well, looks like meal time isn't over yet." She crowed, and before Tiffany could let out another scream, they were descending onto her.

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