"You smug shite, you can't just fuck me like that"

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*Denise POV*
After my conference call is done, I go fix some breakfast, thinking back on the night before, do I regret it, well a bit, not that Tom wasn't a great guy and even better in bed, but well I pretty fast felt like he would rather have been alone with Circe, most of his attention was on her.
Normally the men have more focus on me, which is a good thing as Circe normally prefers women, but last night she most definitely didn't complain, I have never seen her respond to a man like that and well yes I am jealous, after all she is my girlfriend.
When I open the door to our bedroom, I know right away that something has happened, Circe is resting with her head on his chest, her arms around him and their legs entwined, and to be honest the room stinks of sex, not like sex last night, but like sex just happened.
I feel a stab of jealousy, she always say that no man alone has ever satisfied her, so why would she do this ? I will be happy to see him leave and to never see him near my woman again.
But I put on a smile, pretending I don't know what they have been up to. "Morning you two, breakfast is ready in the kitchen".

*Circe POV*
"Morning baby, we'll be out in a minute okay ?" I say smiling at her, but she just nod and leaves, shit I am going to be in trouble when we are alone.
I shake Tom's shoulder lightly, making him moan and try to pull the blanket over him. "Come on Tom, time to get up, Denise got breakfast ready in the kitchen".
"I rather stay right here and eat you". He say with a voice so hoarse he sounds like he has a bad cold, and it sends warm chills down my spine, as he pulls me on top of him, kissing me deeply.
I can't help kissing him back, he is such a great kisser, but when his hands starts running down on my ass, squeezing it, I push myself of him laughing. "Now down boy, you can't possibly have energy for more right now".
"Oh so I can't". He flips me down on my back, and in a flash he is over me, well actually in me, and my eyes roll back, oh shit, this was not suppose to happen.
I grab onto his strong back as he takes me hard, almost furiosly, trying to hold myself together and to not scream out in pleasure. "Fuck Tom.. Oh God".
"Shh darling, we don't want Denise to come running, do we ?" He silence me with a deep kiss, but keep up his high pace, rocking my world and the bed.
Oh shit, how can he even be ready for more already ? Isn't men supposed to need time to recover ? That is another perk with dating woman, they don't need recovery time, but seems like someone else doesn't.
I fold my legs up around his hips, thrusting up to meet him, holy shit it feels like he is hitting everything inside me and pretty hard to, and I can feel how the coil inside me tightens more and more, ready to release.
"Cum with me darling, I need to feel you". His voice a hoarse whisper against my ear, and I let go, cumming hard, pulling him with me, trying not to voice my pleasure to loudly.

*Tom POV*
She hits me on the chest with her fist, making me chuckle as she scolds me. "You smug shite, you can't just fuck me like that".
"Well I kind of did, didn't I ? And I don't remember you complaining a couple of minutes ago". I say as she glares at me, my God she is even more sexy when she is angry, and I know we need to get up and get dressed or I will be on her again in no time.
She rolls out of bed, grabbing some clothes and pulling it on, as I get dressed myself. "You are not even supposed to be able to you know, men need time to recover".
"Oh but you seem to do things to my body, I think I could keep going all day if we had the time". I put my arms around her from behind, pulling her into me, kissing her neck and pressing my already growing erection against her.
She turns her head and looks up at me with big eyes. "You fucking have to be kidding me, please tell me that is not what I think it is".
"Well I told you, you do things to my body, but I guess we better go get that breakfast now". I say, grabbing her hand, and pulling her with me from the bedroom.
I know we won't be exchanging numbers, that is not how this kind of thing works, but hell I wish she was single and I could see her again.

*Circe POV*
"Care to explain why you were fucking him this morning and again while I waited with breakfast ?" Denise is glaring at me as soon as Tom has left the house.
I sigh and try to find the right words, I need to do this right or I will be in the doghouse for days. "Sorry baby, I didn't plan to, I thought you would be back sooner and could join us and well the second time he kind of just jumped me".
"I thought we had an agreement Circe, and I didn't think you were that dick hungry to be honest". She throws the plates into the sink.
I walk over to her, putting my arms around her waist. "I am sorry baby, but he is gone now okay, and we are never gonna see him again, it's just you and me now".
"It was such a mistake picking him, even though he was kind of amazing". She says, as she turns in my arms, pouting slightly.
I kiss her softly, thinking that amazing doesn't even start to cover it. "You weren't really complaining last night when you were having your way with him".
"Well no, but I didn't excatly get much attention, he was so fucking hot for you I actually think he mostly wished I wasn't there at all". She says and well she might actually be right.
"Let's just forget it okay ? It is all over and done, he is gone now". I kiss her again, I know I am not totally forgiven, but at least she is not going to argue more rigth now.

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