"Behave Benny or I have you neutered"

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1 week later
*Circe POV*
"Stop Ben that tickles". I squeal and try to pull my feet away from his lap, but he just laughs, his head tilted and his nose scrunched up, as he let his fingertips grace over my bare foot again.
Tom lets out a pained sound, his arms sliding around me, pinning my arms to my sides. "Ben stop, I am the one getting elbowed here and in a very sensitive area".
"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't mean to, all Ben's fault I promise, how can I make it better". I look up at Tom, I am currently laying on his big couch, between his bent legs against his chest, my feet in Bens lap, we were all watching a movie.
"Well you can always kiss it better". Ben says with a smirk, making me and Tom kick him at the same time, almost knocking him of the couch. "Ouch that hurt".
I snuggle back into Tom's chest, we have been hanging out a lot this last week, as I have had some time of, and Denise has been very busy with work, mostly all three of us, so that is safe right, nothing wrong with hanging out with friends.
"Honestly, could you stop with the weird threesome now others are present ?" Luke says, as he walks in, slumping down into a chair.
I hear a devilish chuckle from the end of the couch, just knowing that Ben is up to something bad, that is just the way he is. "You are just jealous Luke".
And then I am getting flattened as Ben literally jumps on top of me, making Tom groan under me, then he reach over me grapping Bens neck and pulling him of me and of the couch. "Behave Benny or I have you neutered".
"You are such a bore Hiddles". Ben just chuckles from the floor and Luke is laughing, shaking his head, I can't help giggling to, they are just to much sometimes.
Tom looks at me, actually looking a bit concerned. "Are you okay darling ? He didn't hurt you did he ? Because then I have to kick his ass".
"I am fine sweetie, I can handle being jumped by Ben, I am kind of getting used to it actually". I say giggling again, Ben is a very physical person, but somehow it actually don't feel sexual at all.

*Tom POV*
She snuggles into my chest again, and I bury my nose in her hair, kissing the top of her head, feeling my heart swell, oh God it is hard not doing anything, I want to just kiss her so badly, but I know I have to wait, it is still to early.
"Hey what do you say we go out for a couple of drinks ? I am getting bored". Ben says as he gets up from the floor.
I shake my head, I am not in the mood, I rather stay here for as long as possible with Circe, and I know she has to head home, before Denise gets back. "Nah, not really in the mood".
"I have to get home in a couple of hours, so no thanks". Circe says, staying on my chest, Ben winking at me, behind her back.
But Luke is game, and soon they are heading out, leaving us alone, making it even harder for me to act accordingly and stay in the friends area.
We just stay on the couch for the next two hours, snuggling up and watching a movie, I let myself imagine that she is actually mine, being able to do this each and every day if I wanted to.
And when she looks up at me to say something I simply forget that it is just my imagination and I kiss her, she stiffen up for a moment, but then she melts against me, kissing me back, her hands running up into my hair.
Oh God it feels so good, even better than the last time and I almost can't breathe, my whole body fighting itself, half of me wants to throw her over my shoulder and carry her to the bedroom, the other part of me wants to just cradle her in my arms, kissing her like this forever.
When her phone plings she slowly pulls free from me and I reluctantly let her go, wishing I didn't have to, she pulls out her phone, looking at it, cursing and shaking her head, and I already know I am going to hate this. "What is it darling".
"I got to go, just Denise writing she is on her way home". She isn't looking into my eyes, and I get a sinking feeling.
I shouldn't ask, I don't really want to know, but I can't stop myself. "She isn't alone is she ? She is bringing someone with her right ?"
"Yeah she is". She says, biting her lip, and I want to tell her she can't go, the idea of what she is going to do when Denise gets back with whatever guy she has picked up this time, makes me feel sick, but I know I have nothing to say in the matter.
She kiss me on the cheek, and I walk her out to her car. "See you soon sweetie". She says getting in, and I watch her drive away.
When I get inside I want to scream and kick something, the idea of her being with another man sends my blood boiling and my heart hurt, she should be mine and only mine.

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