"No way, not going to happen"

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*Circe POV*
I see Denise's car out front, sighing when I park, why is she already bringing some guy home ? I really don't want to do this, like really don't want to, the idea of having sex with a man makes me feel sick to my stomach or the idea of having sex with another man to be honest, that kiss with Tom had almost made me do something really stupid.
"Baby where are you ?" I call as I walk inside, I had expected to find them in the living-room, having a glass of wine or something, maybe kissing a bit, but they are nowhere to be seen.
I get a bad feeling, she wouldn't would she ? Is this about getting back at me for sleeping with Tom ? Is she still mad at me for that ?
I walk slowly towards our bedroom, and well as I get closer there is no doubt what is going on in there, so she is mad enough at me to go fuck some random guy, trying to make me jealous, she certainly sound like it is more than enjoyable.
After a very deep breath, contemplating to just leave, I don't feel like joining them, but well then Denise will be even more angry, I open the door, clearing my throat, trying to put on a smile. "Oh baby I am home".
"Sweetie, finally, come say hallo to Ben and please join us". She says with a big grin, and I freeze in horror as I realise the man on the bed with her is actually Ben, as in one of my best friends Ben.
He might look even more shocked, looking at me then Denise, pulling the blanket up to cover himself, blushing violently. "Oh shit, Circe I promise I had no idea".
"It's fine Ben, just you know keep doing what you were doing, I'll be in the living-room". I say, just wanting the image gone from my mind.
Denise sounds really confused, calling after me as I turn to leave "But ain't you going to join us ? Is something wrong ?"
"No way, not going to happen". Both me and Ben actually says at the same time, making me smile to myself, closing the door behind me, collapsing on the couch, I so didn't see that coming.
I end up turning on the tv to drown out the sounds, wondering what the hell Ben is doing to her in there, but not actually wanting to know, wondering why I don't actually feel jealous over this, am I really okay with Ben fucking my girlfriend ?
"Circe, darling". I wake from my light slumber as Ben slide down next to me on the couch. "I think we need to talk".
I look at the clock, then I stare at him in shock. "Seriously Ben, did you just fuck my girlfriend for almost three hours ?"
"Uhh sorry !? I promis I really had no idea, and I mean I am very happy we agreed on ..well .. not going there, I mean Tom would kill me, and well.. just no, you are my friend, it would be to weird, and even if it wasn't you, I would still have said no.. I mean what you do is your choice, but for me sex is between two people not three so..".
"Ben you are babbling, it is fine, I am not angry with you, you couldn't know, and well I told you to keep doing what you were doing, but sorry I just wish I hadn't needed to see you naked". I say shaking my head.
He chuckles, making a hurt face. "Oh so I am that appalling to look at naked, ouch darling, that hurt you know".
"Oh stop it, you know very well you look like a fucking greek god naked, but you are my friend and well you were fucking my girlfriend, that I didn't need to see". I slap his shoulder, making him laugh.
He gets up from the couch, kissing me on both cheeks. "Well you got one hot girlfriend darling, see you around okay ?"
"Yeah see you Ben". I say with a smile, leaning my head back hearing him close the door behind him as he leaves, waiting for Denise to come out.

*Denise POV*
I get out of the shower, still trying to calm down, fuck that man was a fucking sex machine, a very skilled one, but I am sore all over, and probably has a very angry Circe waiting for me, but hey she owes me an explanation to, like were she knows Ben from and why she didn't tell me.
I am quite sure they haven't sleept together, but they seemed to know each other kind of well, but a good thing Circe wouldn't join in, apparently Ben is the one man that don't have fantasies about two women.
"So care to tell me what that was about ? Fucking him for three hours, did you feel like you needed revenge ?" She ask as I walk into the living-room.
Well maybe just a bit. "Well maybe it was just really really good, I mean if you can fuck some guy because he is great in bed, well then I can too right ? And why didn't you tell me you knew Ben ? Were do you know him from ?"
"I worked with him on some commercials okay ? And I didn't tell you because I knew you would try and get me to bring him home so you could get in his pants". She says, running a hand throug her hair.
I might feel a bit offended by that, I mean it is not like the men is all my idea, even though I usually are the one enjoying it most. "No I wouldn't".
"Bah says the woman who just fucked him for three hours, of course you would, I knew you had the hots for him". She says glaring at me.
I might be snapping at her. "Well you are not giving me anything these days, apparently you have been all fucked out or something, so if I want any I need to go elsewhere".
"You know what baby, I am going to sleep in the guest room tonight, I can't deal with a bed smelling of sex right now, goodnight". She stomps of down to the guest room, slamming the door.

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