"Well hallo there"

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1 week later
*Ben POV*
"Ready to get those commercials over with ?". Karon looks at me as we get out the car in front of the big building.
I sigh, honestly this isn't my favorite thing to do, it is often boring and repetitive. "Yeah as ready as I ever be for this".
"Well , I know the director, she is a great girl and I think you are going to love her". Karon says with a chuckle, opening the door to me.
When we walk into a conference room ten minutes later I spot an absolutely sexy little redhead who are talking to two men, her hair is swept back in a low bun but a few curls have escaped. She is wearing heals and a tight black pencils skirt that show of her legs and ass perfectly, her deep green silk bouse is straining a bit over er breasts. I let out a low appreciative sound. "Well hallo there".
"Forget it Ben, that is Circe, the director and well you are so not her type at all". Karon says rolling her eyes at me.
I let my eyes run over her again, well this might not be that bad after all. "Why not ? If I may be so bold as to ask, and I take it that you know her then".
"Well because you have a dick sweetie, and Circe here prefers women, so forget it". She says with a chuckle and I shrug, to bad but that is one of those thing you can't compete with.

*Circe POV*
"Karon, long time no see". I go to hug my old friend and she hugs me back, kissing my cheek, then I turn to the tall handsome man beside her. "And welcome Mr Cumberbatch, such an honor to meet you, I am Circe, the director".
He sends me a flashing smile, pulling me into a warm hug. "Well thank you Circe, what a befitting name, I am sure you have bewitched many a man and please call me Ben".
"Ben then, are you always this smooth darling ? Because as I am pretty sure Karon told you when you entered, you are so barking up the wrong three here". I say with a teasing smirk, making him throw his head back laughing.
Karon just looks at him and roll her eyes, Ben puts an arm around my shoulder. "Well she did, she also told me I was going to love you and I think she is absolutely right darling".
"You know, if you can follow my directions and make my job easy, then I think we are going to be the best of friends". I say, making him laugh again, and I am honest here, I already kind of like him.
"Then you better tell me what it is that you want me to do, and I will do my very best". He say, pulling me with him to the table and I start explaning him what I had in mind.

*Tom POV*
"Fuck I should have gotten her number, I mean I do know were she lives, but it would be a bit creepy just showing up, wouldn't it ?" I blurt out, lost in my own thoughts.
Luke looks at me, confusion written on his face. "Uhh could you just dial back a couple of clicks, maybe tell me what and who you are talking about".
"Well I might have met someone, the most alluring woman I have ever seen, and I can't stop thinking about her, but well she is already in a relationship and, uhh it is a bit hard to explain". I say, I haven't told him about that night a week ago.
Lukes eyes go wide. "You met someone who is already in a relationship, met how ? Sound like something happened here, should I be concerned ?"
"Okay, okay I'll tell you, I was out for a couple of drinks last week, and this hot blonde approched me, and well you guys keep telling me to get out there and such, so I kind of went for it". I tell, my mind slipping to the memories.
He sounds nervous when he cuts into my story. "So it was this blonde woman, did you sleep with her before or after you found out she had a boyfriend ?"
"Luke shut up and listen okay ?" I say and he nods. "I went home with the blonde expecting you know, a quick fuck, no strings attached, but turned out she had a girlfriend and she wanted her to join in".
"Shit so you fucked them both, you fucking bastard, what am I to do if this gets out ?" Luke's eyes are just about to pop out of his head.
I bite my lip, well I knew he would react like that. "Well .. yeah I did and her girlfriend happened to be the most sensual and beautiful woman I have ever seen, I simple couldn't control myself around her, it was crazy".
"I can't believe you had a threesome with two hot women, but hey you always knew how to charm the ladies, but shit Tom if your fans knew". He still looks kind of scared at the idea.
I sigh and shake my head slightly. "To be honest Luke, it was okay, but if I got the offer again I would say no, I prefer to concentrate on one woman and well for it to be specieal". Like it had been that morning after with Circe, I think.
"Well at least you can say you tried it, but let me get this straight, it is the girlfriend you can't get out of your head ? You are going around moaning over a lesbian with a girlfriend ?" He looks at me questioning.
I roll my eyes. "Well she might not date men, but the hell she is a lesbian, we had totally mindblowing sex the next morning, twice, while her girlfriend was in another room making a conference call".
"So what now ? What are you going to do ? You can't go hunt her down" He looks at me like he is expecting me to do something stupid.
I bite my lip. "Well first I have to find a way to get close to her again and then I will have to convince her that men are worth dating or at least that I am and that she doesn't need women, because I am not sharing".

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