"Oh but you are, you just haven't realised yet"

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*Tom POV*
I am done with her games and acting up, now I know why she don't date men, they have probably let her act like a spoiled brat and catered to her every whim, well she can forget about it, I am not playing that game with her.
"Let me go Tom, you can't tell me what to do, I am a grown woman". She tries to pull herself loose, but I just tightens my grip, there are no way I let her drive home, risking her and others lives.
"Hey let her go, we were just having fun". The jerk decides to chirp in, making me snap towards him, is he a special kind of stupid ?
Luckily for him Ben steps in, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Listen mate, that is his woman, so you better just leave now, if you don't want to get yourself in trouble"
"I am not his woman, I am nobodys woman". Circe glare at Ben, but he just smirks and shakes his head. "Oh but you are, you just haven't realised yet".
"Goodnight everyone, see you tomorrow". I say, pulling her with me down the hallway towards my bedroom, Ben and Luke just waving after us.
Circe keeps struggling with me, trying to get free, and I end up pulling her up against the wall, grabbing both her shoulders, holding her there. "Stop fighting me you insolent brat, you are not going to sleep with some jerk because you can't control your alcohol and you are not going to drive home in this state, you are going to come along nicely and go to sleep".
"And what if I don't ?" She ask defiantly and I lean down, my mouth right next to her ear. "I have never put my hands on a woman in every way, but for you I'll do an exception, continue to defy me and I will take you over my knee".
She pouts for a moment, but I don't let down, and suddenly it is like the defiance deflates from her, and she melts into me, her arms around my neck, her legs suddenly slung around my hips, her head on my shoulder.
"See was that so hard ?" I whisper softly in her ear, my arms folding around her, to make sure she is safe, before carrying her to my bedroom.
She is clinging to me, her mouth slowly nippling down my neck and I really have to concentrate to ignore the waves of desire it sends through me, she is to drunk, I don't want her this way, tomorrow she probably wont remember her actions, I want her to go into this fully aware. "Tom ?"
"Yeah darling, what is it ?" I ask, still doing my very best to ignore her mouth on my skin, and her hands in my hair.
She lifts her head to look at me with bright eyes, wetting her plump lips, her voice sultry. "Are you going to fuck me again ?"
"No, I am going to make love to you, but not tonight, you are to drunk and even though I might not have shown it so much the last time, I am after all a gentleman, but as soon as you are sober you are mine". I tell her, putting her down on the floor.
She makes a whining sound, her hands trying to grab me through my jeans but I grab her hands and she says pleadingly. "But I need a good fuck, and well no one fuck me better than you, no one ever did, please".
"Well thank you darling, but it is still a no, you will have to wait". And so will I, I think. It is not going to be easy, but I can do it.
She just grumbles as I gently pull of her dress, happy I am still dressed and she can't see the painful erection the sight of her in only a black lace thong is causing me, hurriedly handing her a T-shirt, which on her is almost a dress.
When she is tugged into bed, I shrug out on my own clothes, climbing down into the bed with her and she is snuggling into me, making me smile, and pulling her closer to me, seeing she is already almost asleep. "Sleep well Darling".

Enchanted (A Tom Hiddleston story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя