"Oh no you fucking whore, you say he is your friend"

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*Tom POV*
An hour later, after talking with Ben about what to do to get our women, I snuggle into bed beside Circe, pulling her into me, hearing her sigh, borrowing her face in my chest.
"Darling you need to wake up, it is 6 o'clock". I whisper against her hair, breathing in the scent of her, oh I just want to keep her here and have my way with her all evening, I want to spend the night with her in my arms, to wake up with her.
She gasps and pushes me away, jumping out of bed. "Fuck, why did you let me sleep for this long, I said one hour, I am going to be in such big trouble".
"Sweetie you have only slept for an hour, you didn't fall asleep before around 5 o'clock". I say and can't help sending her a small smirk.
She roll her eyes and shake her head. "You just had to prove yourself better didn't you, and now I am going to walk funny for a week".
"Well I don't plan on waiting a week you know". I grab her, pulling her into me, kissing her deeply, and she lets me.
She gently push me away, looking up at me. "Tom, you know we can't do this, I am in a relationship and well I don't date men, I don't do relationship with men".
"Circe you can keep telling yourself that, but we both know this is different, you can't just walk away from this". I say gently, taking her hand and kissing it, I know I won the battle, but there is still a war to be won.
She reach up, her fingers gliding over my cheek, making me lean into her touch. "But I have to sweetie, Tom you are an amazing man in all and every way, you deserve better".
And with that she leaves me, I don't care, she is the one I want and this has only made it more clear to me, well Ben might be right after all, we need to break them up.

*Circe POV*
Fuck I am gonna be in so much trouble, how do I explain to Denise where I have been, not to talk about the way I walk ? Oh God how is it even possible for him to be at me for almost 5 hours ? And he wants me to date him, shit I would die from exhaustion within a week.
I walk into our house, to find a very pissed of Denise in the kitchen, snapping at me before I can say anything. "Were the hell have you been ? And don't even try to lie to me".
"I was at Tom's house okay, I have been seeing him as a friend since the party, Ben held it there, they are friends". I say, not lying but not being totally truthful.
She shakes her head in disbelief. "I can't believe you, you have been seeing him behind my back, you know how I feel about him, you know I would forbid you to see him".
"You can't forbid me to have friends, you were the one bringing him into our bed, and now you are jealous because he fucked me to good, but I wasn't allowed to complain all the times you were gushing about men". I might be yelling.
Her voice is acidic. "It is totally different, you knew I like men to, you were the one telling me you never needed to sleep with a man ever again and that you only did it for me".
"Well I couldn't know that there was actually a man out there capable of making me feel like that, I didn't plan it and by the way, you were fucking Ben for hours alone". I shoot back at her.
She grinds her teeth. "You could have joined us, how could I know you would say no to a man like that ? You must be crazy".
"He is my friend, it would have been to weird and he didn't want to either, it would have been rigth for you to stop then, but no you had to fuck him for hours to get back at me". I say, grabbing for my phone on the table as it dings.
But Denise is faster, she takes it and reads the message, her face growing red. "Oh no you fucking whore, you say he is your friend, well do you fuck all your friends ?"
I grab my phone from her hand, what the hell has Tom done ? I read the text > Thanks for an most amazing afternoon, hope you aren't to sore, can't wait to have you back in my arms, love Tom <
"It was one time okay, today, I might have been upset by what you did with Ben last night okay and I acted out". I see no reason for lying.
She shakes her head. "No not okay, had it been any other man I might have just shrugged it of, but you knew how I felt about him, but you just had to rub it in my face".
"You just don't like him because he prefers me over you, you always want to be the center of attention". It has nothing to do with rubbing it in her face, I like Tom or I liked Tom, before he pulled this stunt.
Suddenly something hits me, it has been in the back of my mind the whole time, but I was to occupied with my own thoughts and I step closer to Denise breathing in, oh there is no mistaking that scent lingering on her. "You are calling me a whore, when I can smell Ben all over you".
"I .. it .. oh hell, yeah okay, I met up with Ben, he.. shit he makes me feel things I haven't felt for a very long time". She closes her eyes, her cheeks going red.
I should be angry with her, but I have done wrong myself and well Ben is a really great guy, so I kind of get her, even though I have nothing but friendly feelings toward him.
I look at her, shaking my head. "Denise, I think you and I might have grown apart, no hard feelings and I actually think you should give the being straight thing a try with Ben, he is a great guy".
"Yeah you might be right, I just didn't see this coming, but what about you ? Are you giving Tom a chance then ?" She says looking at me.
I shake my head. "No way, I might actually have if he hadn't pulled that stunt with the text, but I know what he was trying and he is in a world of trouble".
I pack a bag, Denise owns the house, and promise to get the rest of my stuff when I have found a place to live and to send Ben her way when I get to Tom's house, because I am going there on my way, to ask him about that text.
Half and hour later I walk into Tom's house without knocking, making him and Ben both look up in surprise, and Tom gets up, coming towards me, but I hold up a hand, shaking my head. "I got one question Tom, that text, did you hope Denise would see it ?"
"I.. I .. well shit Ben thought that if we broke you up, well then we would have a chance, but I just blew that right ?" He looks so guilty I just want to go hug him, but I wont give in, I don't like being manipulated.
I just nod my head. "Yeah you blew it, I don't like people playing with my life like that, so you and me, we are over and done, and Ben way to be a friend, but hey luckily for you, Denise is waiting for you".
Tom is reaching for me, but I slap his hand away. "Don't touch me Tom, and don't ever speak to me ever again, any of you".
And with that I leave, choking back the tears threatening to spill, I wont let them see how hurt I am, I just need to move on.

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