"Shit Circe, have you told Tom about that ?"

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4 months later
*Circe POV*
"Hi sweetie, wow you are tanned". I hug Denise as she walks over to me in the cafe, I haven't seen her since the wedding, first they were away on honeymoon and then she had been with Ben out to australia, making his newest movie.
Her eyes run over me, stopping at my stomach, her eyes going wide and her mouth falling open. "Shit Circe, have you told Tom about that ?"
"No, why should I ?" I say and sit down, she sit down across the table, looking at me. "Because I am pretty sure that is his baby you are carrying".
"Babies, and well yes it is, but he already choose her, I don't want to ruin his perfect family, I have seen the pictures of them baby shopping". I say, those had hit ekstra hard.
Denise bites her lip and shakes her head. "He broke it of for good, he caught her with someone else himself this time, and he is pretty much sure the baby isn't his, we had dinner with him yesterday, he misses you".
"Denise he chose her, knowing how she had cheated on him before". I feel a stab of pain, it had hurt so bad, even though I kind of knew why, I understood that he just wanted to do the right thing.
She grabs my hand over the table, sending me a sad smile. "That woman played him so much, and he is to nice, and well a bit naive, but he regrets it so much, he told me, and he deserves to know".
"I just don't want him to feel pressured, we both saw how he reacted to her being pregnant, I don't want him to want me back because I am pregnant". I say, with a sigh, my hands softly caressing my already growing stomach.
Her face erupt in a big smile. "So you do still want him ? You still love him ? Oh I am so happy, and you know what, we are going to get you your man".
"I don't know Denise, I can't take being hurt again, I just couldn't handle it". I swallow hard, I have had to admit to myself that I am helplessly in love with him.

*Tom POV*
I am on my way over to Denise and Ben, Denise called me, she had lunch with Circe today and talked her into meeting with me, I am so thankful she did that. I made the biggest mistake of my life going back to Claire, she really weren't worth the try.
On the way over I am thinking alot about what to say, I have fucked up so badly with her, how can I even think she will give me a chance ? But I love her, I truly love her, and I will do anything to get her back.
As I get closer I feel how my stomach knot up and the butterflies go wild, I know that being sassy or cheeky won't get me anywhere this time, it might be time to beg on my knees for her forgiveness.

*Circe POV*
"Are you sure it is going to work, he wont be able to see ?" I ask nervously, Denise wants me to sit on the couch, my legs up and covered by a blanket, that way Tom wont be able to see my stomach and we are just saying I don't feel to well.
She nods, smiling warmly. "Sure, let's try with Ben, he doesn't know yet, so lets ask if he can see anything unusual".
I get cosy on the couch and Denise goes down to Ben's office where he is working, to fetch him, a couple of minutes later he is back, looking very tan and handsome af always. "Circe, darling so good to see you, you are glowing".
"Well thanks, don't you look happy and tan sweetie". I tell him, as he comes to hug me tightly, kissing my cheek.
Denise looks curiously, like she is waiting for him to say something, then she asks. "Ben sweetie, can't you see the difference".
"Difference ? Did you do something with you hair darling ?" He looks at me like he can't figure out what it is, and I pull of the blanket standing up.
Ben's eyes bulge, his mouth falls open, and he points a my stomach. "You.. you are pregnant ? Like very pregnant, how can you be ?"
"Yes I am pregnant Ben, but no I am only four months pregnant, you know your wedding". I smile a bit nervously.
He shakes his head lightly, staring at me. "Not to sound rude, but are you sure you are only four months pregnant ?"
"Yes I am Ben, completely sure". I can't help but giggle, calling him to me with one finger, whispering in his ear, watching all colour drain from his face.
He looks at me, then at my stomach. "Oh shit, are you sure I shouldn't have paramedics or something on stand-by for when you tell Tom ?"
"I really hope that wont be necessary". I say, watching as Ben look at my stomach again, muttering something under his breath.

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