"You are all crazy, you know that right ?"

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*Tom POV*
"For Gods sake sit still Tom, do you have some kind of attention disorder ?" Karon says, yanking impatiently at my hair, making both Ben and Luke chuckle.
I groan from both the pain and annoyance. "You know I am not your dress up doll right, I don't really see the need for this".
"Well we want her to loose her shit when she sees you right ? So you can't just wear a T-shirt and same old black jeans or run a comb through your hair". Karon tells me sounding like my mother.
Luke comes over to admire her work, looking at my hair, then running a hand into it, ruffling it up to a mess. "Much better".
"Fuck Luke, I just spend 20 minutes on his ... wait.. you are right, much better". Karon says, and I groan, rolling my eyes.
I grab the phone, using the camera as a mirror looking at my hair. "You are aware that you just spend more than 20 minutes making me look like I just rolled out of bed after sex right ?"
"Yup". Luke answers, looking mighty smuck. "Believe me, women loves that, she won't be able to keep her hands out of it".
I get up shaking my head, going to my room to get changed, hoping that at least they are right. "You are all crazy, you know that right ?"

*Circe POV*
I arrive at the address Ben had given me, and he opens the door, smiling at me. "Well hallo there darling, don't you look absolutely sexy".
"Hi Ben, thank you, you don't look to bad yourself". I say with a smirk, and he do look absolute handsome in dark jeans and a dark green shirt, his hair slightly ruffled.
I look around as we walk inside, the place is very cosy. "I really like this place, is it yours or are you just renting it ?"
"Well actually borrowing from a friend, I just bought my own place, so still need to be fixed up a bit". He says with a smirk, that tells me he is hiding something.
I spot Karon, and she walks over to hug me. "Hi there Circe, wow don't you look absolutely amazing, he is.. I mean all the men is going to go crazy for you".
"Hi Karon, thank you, well that is going to be their problem isn't it ? You look impeccable as always". I say, well the men can look all they want.
Ben takes my arm, introducing me to a couple of people, ending with another tall man I never seen before. "Circe this is Luke, Luke this is the famous Circe".
"Hi Luke, nice to meet you". I say extending my hand to him, he grabs it with a sly smirk, shaking my hand. "Nice to finally meet you too".
Before I can ask what he means, Ben hurries to pull me along, smiling at me. "I better introduce you to the host, he is looking forward to meet you".
"Tom, come over here and meet the fabulous Circe". Ben says, and I feel my stomach sink, no.. no I can't be, there has to be a lot of men named Tom, a lot af very tall men, a lot of very tall, very handsome men with ginger curls and piercing blue eyes, oh shit I am doomed.
My mouth goes dry as I take him in, his hair a mess of ruffled curls, looking like he just rolled out of bed after a hot encounter, he is wearing jeans, a dark blue button down, the colour is amazing on him, and a lighter blue waistcoat, and a very much sexy smirk. "Well hallo Darling, fancy meeting you here".

*Tom POV*
Holy shit, she looks like a goddess, a short simple green silk dress that match her eyes, and kling to her body in the most delectable way every time she moves, she clearly isn't waring a bra. Her hair in the front pinned back and the red curls tumbling down her back.
"Oh Tom.. I didn't know you would be here". She says, kind of looking like a deer caught in headlights, but her eyes also saying something else, as she quickly scan me over.
"Well it is my house, so welcome to my humble home". I say pulling her into a hug, almost loosing my shit when I feel the exposed skin on her back.
Ben sends me a thumbs up behind her back, and I try to remember what he said, I need to keep my cool, be charming but not follow her like a lovesick puppy, I can't let her know that she is in control, I need to make her want to give in, why the hell does this need to be so complicated ?
"Don't you look absolutely ravishing darling". I whisper in her ear, feeling her shiver slightly against me, before letting her go. "I hope you have a wonderful evening Circe".
"Will you excuse us for a moment ?" Ben says, dragging me of by the arm when she nods, and I can feel her eyes on me as we leave the room.
I lean on the kitchen counter, trying to steady myself. "Shit Ben, how am I supposed to do this ? How am I supposed to act cool, when all I want to do is rip of her clothes and carry her to my bed".
"Patience my dear, her eyes were just about to roll out her head when she saw you, and she was literally drooling after you when we left, stay in control". He says, padding my shoulder.
This is going to be a long night I fear, she won't just give in this easy, I know that and I groan. "Well I am just happy I opted for the tight boxers with her looking like that, or I would have embarrassed myself already".
"Seriously ? You really can't control yourself around her". Ben says chuckling and shaking his head, I don't find it particularly funny, going around with a hard on all evening is going to be painfull.

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