"Oh but I am darling, you are going to be a daddy"

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*Tom POV*
"Are you kidding me Claire ? We are over and done, you know that and you know you are not welcome her, please leave". I say a tad sharply, but she might just have ruined everything for me.
She puts a hand on my chest smirking at me. "Oh but darling, you wouldn't talk like that to the mother of your child, would you ?"
"The hell you aren't pregnant, you can't be". I feel a panic coming on, oh shit she can't be, can she ? I mean I did use protection, but well nothing is 100% safe.
She smirks evily her voice sickly sweet, Denise looks about ready to jump her and Ben is grinding his teeth. "Oh but I am darling, you are going to be a daddy".

*Circe POV*
I am laying on my bed, crying my eyes out, when there is a soft knock on the door and I hear Ben's voice outside. "Sweetie I am coming in okay, I need to tell you the truth".
"I am guessing I am not really given a choice here right ? So just come on in". I say, hearing the door open and light footsteps, before I feel him sitting down on the bed.
He starts slowly stroking my back. "Listen Circe, you need to hear the whole truth, and as I am guessing that you are not willing to listen to Tom right now, I will tell you, I might even be the one who knows best".
"She is his fiancee, what more do I need to know Ben ?" I sigh and glace up at him. "Apperantly he thought me an easy fuck, and well I kind of confirmed that".
"It is not like that at all, he broke it of with her, thank god that one is trouble and a major bitch, she has been using him so badly". He says.
I bite my lip. "But why were she his fiancee if she is that bad ? I mean what would he want with her, and why is she here if they broke up ?"
"To start with the beginning, he was heartbroken when you left, and he was an easy target for her, she really manipulated him, but he couldn't see it, he just needed someone to love him, I really tried telling him, but he wouldn't listen and she even talked him into getting engaged". Ben says shaking his head.
I try to say something, but Ben holds up his hand. "You know Tom, he always believe in the best in others and she really played him, then I started hearing rumors, that she was cheating on him, but I had no proof, so I warned her to stop".
"She cheated on him ?" I ask, no matter what, Tom didn't deserve that, Ben nods. "Yeah, I actually caught her kissing someone else and I gave her a last warning, I just didn't want to see Tom crushed, I should have told him earlier".
"It isn't you fault Ben, it sound like you really tried". I tell him, feeling a bit bad about slapping Tom by now, I might have acted a bit rash.
He breathes in deeply. "She .. well, she came on to me, and lets just say I am happy Denise showed up, because she wouldn't stop, and well.. I didn't want to hit a woman, I went to Tom then, he had to know, she told him I had come on to her, Tom said he needed to think, to clear his head. It turns out he broke it of with her".
"But.. I sense a but coming on". I say and Ben looks at his hands. "She is saying that she is pregnant with his baby, but I bet you anything that if she is actually pregnant the baby isn't his".
"Thank you Ben, for telling me everything, I think I need to be alone now, I need to think". I tell him and he nods, kissing my forehead before leaving.

*Tom POV*
Fuck fuck fuck, I don't know what to do right now, it is Circe I want, no doubt, but Claire is pregnant, she showed me the ultra sound and she swears that it is mine, that she never slept with those other guys, only kissed them, I don't know what to think honestly.
But if it is mine then I want to be there, I don't want to be just a weekend father, I don't want to miss most of my kids life.
I have never felt this torn or this confused in my life, my head is already pounding, I just thought I finally could be happy, that I had won Circe back.
"Baby we are going to be a real family now". Claire says, rubbing my shoulders, and I groan, hiding my head in my hands, what the fuck am I to do ?

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