"What the hell is that bitch doing here"

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*Circe POV*
"Well that wasn't what I meant by acting civilised". Denise says smirking as she spots me sneaking out from Tom's room in morning, making me jump slightly.
I blush, shit she wasn't supposed to see me, we wanted to keep it a secret till after the wedding, not to take away any attention from the bride and groom. "Shit you scared me there".
"I just knew you two couldn't stay away from each other, I am so happy for you". She says smiling at me and hugging me.
"Uhh thanks, I better get down to take a shower and change before breakfast". I say, escaping down to my room, before anyone else sees me.
Well shit, I hadn't expected to fall right back in, but he had been charming and attentive all evening, apologising several times for that text, and I found myself getting sucked right back in, regretting not forgiving him back then.
But it hadn't been my intention to.. well sleep with him, I don't even think it was his intention, but the attraction had just been to much to resist, I don't even remember whom started it.
I quickly shower and dress in jeans and a shirt, before going down to eat breakfast, meeting with Denise and Ben, both of them smiling at me, in a way that tells me she has told him everything and I blush.

*Ben POV*
I am happy for Circe and Tom, this is Excatly what I hoped would happen, he haven't really been himself since she left, even if he pretended to have moved on, but I know differently.
We are chatting and eating, and I am starting to wonder when Tom will be down, when I spot someone I didn't expect to see in the lobby, holy shit, what is she doing here ? I told him not to bring her.
I excuses myself, making a dash for Tom's room, this needs to be sortet out right now, if Denise sees her or God forbid it Circe talks to her, then the shit will definitely hit the fan.
I knock on Tom's door and he opens it looking midly surprised. "I was just coming down Ben, were is the fire ?"
"In the lobby right now, what the hell is Claire doing here, I told you not to bring her". I say seeing the surprise on his face. "Fuck I didn't, she must have come on her own accord, shit she can't talk to Circe".

*Denise POV*
"What the hell is that bitch doing here, Ben told Tom she wasn't welcome at my wedding". I blurt out, when I see Claire stride into the restaurant, realising to late that Circe is going to know.
She looks from me to the dark haired woman. "Why do I get a feeling that she isn't his sister or long lost cousin ?"
"Sweetie listen, she means nothing to him, believe me, you don't have to worry about her". I try saving this, cursing Tom for letting that woman near my wedding.
Circe stares at me, I can see she is fighting tears. "Don't try to sugar coat it or protect him, she is his girlfriend right ?"
"His fiancee actually, but she isn't invited, Ben can't stand the sight of her and to be honest neither can I, she shouldn't have come". I say, this is so bad.
Circe gets up, shaking her head. "Well I am happy she showed up, if you will excuse me, I suddenly feel rather badly".
I curse as I see her hurry out as fast as she can, fuck this is one big cluster fuck and Tom is probably worse of than before.

*Tom POV*
As I come running down the stairs I see Circe coming towards me, and her face tells me that I wasn't fast enough to stop this from going all wrong. "Darling please let me explain".
"You fucking asshole, don't ever speak to me again". Her hand hits my cheek so hard that I taste blood, and my head fly sideway.
I feel the tears sting my eyes, and I grab for her. "Please just please listen to me, it is not what it seems like, you have to listen".
"No Tom, I don't have to and I don't want to listen to you, go talk to your fiance". She says and run of for her home.
Claire is coming out into the lobby and spot me, smiling as she approch. "Tom baby, there you are, I have missed you so much".
"What the fuck are you doing here ? I told you to stay away and you know Ben don't want you here". I feel like crying, how do I make this okay again ?

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