"I totally get you Benny, she is quite a woman"

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8 months later
*Circe POV*
"Are you really still mad at him ? He is so very sorry about it you know and he still likes you". Denise looks at me.
I shake my head, it has been a long time, and no I guess I am not angry with him anymore, but I don don't really want to see him either. "I am sure he has moved on by now, and no I am not mad anymore, I just don't want to have to deal with him".
"Please keep it civil, for me and Ben okay, it is our wedding after all". She say, sending me a sweet smile, I am happy me and her are friends now and that I forgave Ben, those two are so perfect together.
We are at a fancy castle in the contryside, Denise and Ben are getting married and I am the maid of honor, Tom happens to be the best man.. this is the first time I am going to see him in 8 months and I must admit I am nervous.
"I promise to behave around him". I say, thinking that I can do that, he is nothing to me, so it shouldn't be a problem.

*Tom POV*
I pace my room at the castle, I know Circe is here, and to be honest, I don't know how I am going to handle it, I mean I haven't seen her since that day, and I've tried moving on, I tried contacting her in the beginning but the woman is stubborn as hell.
Remembering that day still hurt, I really fucked up, just because I got impatient, and I ruined everything, well me and Ben, but he still got what he wanted, hell he is marrying her today, me I lost everything, and it took me a long time to move past it.
Do I still have feelings for her, hell yeah, if I am to be totally honest, some part of me still wants her and I am afraid seeing her will make that flame ignite again, at least for me, how she feels I wouldn't know.
But today is the rehearsal dinner and I am getting ready to go downstairs, readying myself for meeting her again.
As I walk down to the restaurent I spot Ben, he is standing by the door, greeting the guests as they arrive, and I hurry over. "So Ben, starting to get cold feet ?"
"Nope not at all, I know she is the one for me, so I am nothing but happy". He say smiling, and I think he is absolutely right, they are just perfect together, but I can't help teasing him. "I totally get you Benny, she is quite a woman".
He groans and hit my shoulder hard with his fist. "How many times do I need to tell you that I don't want to be reminded Tom ?"
I chuckle, well it is fun to remind him just once in a while. Suddenly Ben turns all serious. "Circe has arrived and well, please don't loose your shit when you see her okay ?"
"Ben relax, I am not a teenager ruled by hormones, of course I can act normal around her". I tell him, have a little faith in me, yeah she had some kind of power over me back then, but I am sure that has changed.
I walk into the room, and see that there is a flock of men standing around someone, claerly trying to get on someones good side and I got a sneaking suspicion who has their attention and I walk slowly closer. Suddenly the men move and I feel my troat go dry and my pants tighten uncomfortably in the front, holy hell that dress is almost none excistant in the back and the part there is there caress her every curve.

*Circe POV*
I feel his eyes on me, I know it is him and I turn around slowly, to see Tom striding towards me, looking like sex personified in dress pants and a dark blue button down, his hair is a little longer than last time I saw him, falling in fluffy curls.
My breath get stuck in my throat, holy shit he looks sexy, especially the way he looks at me, like he is going to throw me over his shoulder and take me straight to his bed.
"Circe darling, don't you look absolutely ravishing". He says, pulling me into a tight posessive hug, and I feel his big hands on my bare back.
I gasp slightly, trying to keep my head from spinning. "Thank you Tom, you look very handsome yourself".
"I has been way to long baby, have you forgiven me yet for being such a fool ?" He whispers softly in my ear, making chills run down my spine.

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