!Chapter Eleven!

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Liam's POV

It was six thirty in the morning, I was preparing myself for my morning run, it was still dark outside, Niall would kill me if he knew that I was running a this hour, but I couldn't sleep, I need to get some fresh air, what can go wrong? I will be fine.

Oh how wrong I was.

As I was running, I stopped in front of an allway to catch my breath, suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, and a hand covered my mouth, I was so shocked, what the hell is happening?

"Sir, we got a new meal for tomorrow's night" I heard someone say. My eyes went wide, this couldn't be...

"That' great, knock him out and take him to the van, we finally found something, we're done for today" a cold and scary voice said.

Something snapped in me, I started to struggle against the strong hold of a mysterious person, but I wasn't fast enough, a strong hit was delivered to my head I groaned in pain, my body went limp, I lost focus of everything around me, I had to do one thing before I pass out.

'Niall help me, vampires... kidnapped'

Everything went black...

Niall's POV

I jolted awake after hearing Liam's weak voice in my mind, Liam is in danger, the vampires got him, they are going to regret it, a low growl escaped my chest.

"Niall are you okay?" Perrie's soft and tired voice said.

"Yeah" I lied, I didn't want her to worry about Liam, especially after last night, it was amazing, we mated, she will have to hide her scent now, but she's okay with it.

"Niall, I know you're liying, tell me what's wrong babe, I can help you" she said concerned.

"Liam is in danger, the vampires got him" I said sitting up.

She gasped "Oh my God we need to help him" she said in  worried voice.

"I know, and that means we need to cross their territory, it's dangerous, they can't know I exist, not before the war" I said.

"Are you going to let Liam go," she asked.

My head shot up, and I looked at her with wide eyes, "Never in a million years" I said in a low voice.

"Then, what are we waiting for?" Perrie asked standing up.

I smirked at her, "Are you planningon saving Liam naked?" I asked her

Her eyes went wide, "Okay... let's get dressed and... and then we can save Liam" she scrambled to the bathroom.

I shook my head with a smile, but it was quickly replaced with a frown.

Hold on tight Payno, I am coming for you...

~In The Woods~

Perrie and I ran through the woods in our wolf form, Perrie used a blonde hair spray on me, to turn me in a blonde wolf and to hide my scent. Perrie was a pure white wolf, the definition of beautiful.

We came to a stop in front of the river. That separates us from what I call 'Hell On Earth'

'Are you ready?' Perrie asked me.

"Yeah, let's do this" I said, taking a few steps back and jumping to the other side of the river.

Perrie copied my actions, and soon we were trying to track down Liam's scent. It didn't take long before I catched it, but there was something wrong obout it, it was mixed with the smell of blood.

He was bleeding, this wasn't good, if a thirsty Vampire got to him, he would certainly drain him.

'He is bleeding, that's not good' I could tell Perrie was getting scared.

'I know, don't worry love, I am here, I am not going anywhere' I reassured her.

We continued our walk until we reached there camp, I decided to try something.

'Liam can you hear me' I asked...

Liam's POV

'Niall is that you' I asked, my hands and legs were tied together, and I am lying on the floor.

'Hold on mate, I am coming, actually I am behind  you' Niall said laughed in my head.

'I knew you wouldn't leave me behind' I said with a smile.


'Guys we need to make it quick before anyone see us' I heard Perrie say.

'Perrie you came?' I asked surprised.

'Of course, now let's get out of here I have a bad feeling' Perrie said looking around.

Niall cut the ropes with his sharp canines, and I was able to shift, I was a brown wolf. We run out of the tent, we suddenly heard someone shouting.

"Hey they came to help him, and they are running away"

Niall, pushed Perrie to the side, a gun shot was heard, Niall howled in pain, and he fell limp to the floor.

'Niall' Perrie screamed.

I imidiatly rushed to him, and I put his wolf form over my back.

'Run' I screamed at Perrie.

We started running through the woods, we crossed the river but we didn't stop running, we reached Niall's backyard, that was connected to the woods, we shifted back to our human form, Perrie had tears streaming down her fear.

I shook my head at her "He will bi fine" I wispered

Perrie didn't answer, Niall's body shifted back to his human form, he was too weak to handle his wolf form.
I need to get the bullet out of the right side of his stomach, before he lose a lot of blood.

After an hour, Niall was in his bed, Perrie by his side, the poor girl didn't stop crying, we couldn't take him to the hospital, that would lead to a lot of questions, they couldn't find out we went to the vampires territory. I found wolfsbane on the bullet, it's not good.

All we have to do now is wait for him to wake up...

Here you go guys
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About this one
Love you all❤

978 words


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