Meeting Them

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-Nikki Haslem-

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-Nikki Haslem-


~Mani's POV~

"Finally it's lunch." I sighed as me and Dinah were walking to the courtyard, we just got done with chemistry and we were on our way to meet up with Daya.

"I know, school is great and all but I'm starving." Dinah said exaggerating 'starving'

"So I sort of met this cute guy in class" I slowly said.

Dinah quickly turned toward me with wide eyes. "Who?" she gasped.

"His name is Brian, he's in my history class."

"Ok before you continue, I met a guy too." She spilled and I gave her the same reaction she gave me.

"But, you go first spill all the details." she continued.

"Well, there's nothing to spill Daya shut him down before we got to talk." I shrugged.

Dinah rolled her eyes and sighed "Of course she would, we're suppose to be focusing on the mission and she's making sure we're not getting distracted."

"True, ok you're turn." I said getting back on topic.

"Well, his name is Quincy, and yeah he is cute and all but he seems like such a cocky womanizer." she shrugged.

We entered into the courtyard and sat down at with our lunches and Daya finally came and sat with us.

"School has got me beat" Daya slumped down in her seat.

"School isn't even over yet" Dinah commented.

"Still, who knew classes were so boring." she said causing me and Dinah to roll our eyes.

"Anyway back to mission talk, so I'm thinking since we need to break down the students and find out who the link could be, we need to be more active." Daya said turning into her serious mode.

"You mean like join clubs and stuff?" I asked.


"what happened to keeping a low profile" Dinah asked.

"Well, I figured the more we get to know people, the more likely we would know who it was." Daya reassured.

"Ok." we all agreed.

We started to open up our lunches and set our things on the table.

"Uh hem, excuse me" we all looked up to see 3 cheerleaders standing in front of us with their lunch trays, glaring at us.

I looked over to Daya and Dinah "May we help you?" I asked.

"Yes, you can start by getting the fuck off our table." The middle cheerleader smirked.

We all looked at each other in confusion and then we all glared back at her.

"I'm sorry-" Daya started, slowly standing up

"Damn right you're sorry" she interrupted.

"Oh, I wasn't finished. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you better take you and your peppy ass wannabe popular high pony wearin asses somewhere else." she ended crossing her arms.

The cheerleaders were shocked by what Daya said, but that look quickly turned into rage for the girl in the middle. She looked like she was about to say something, but we were approached again by three boys this time, one being Brian from my history class.

"Hey, Nikki what's up" one of the guys asked.

"Great, there's more of you" Daya mumbled under her breathe as she sat back down in her seat.

"I'm sorry what did you say" The boy asked turning towards Daya.

She looked up and gave him a fake smile "I said great, there are more of you people" she rolled her eyes.

"Well aren't you feisty" One of the other guys smirked, and Daya sent him a death stare.

"Piss off dork" Daya sassed.

"Woah calm down kitten, no need to pounce" he replied winking.

"No, how about you leave, because obviously you three attention seekers don't belong here" Nikki started linking arms with the guy in the middle.

"And just so we're clear, your opinions don't matter." she smirked.

"Nikki, come on" Brian started, as Daya looked down.

"No, she's right we don't matter" Daya said standing. She looked at both me and Dinah and nodded her head to get up.

"We were just leaving" she continued as we all got up and grabbed our bags.

"You guys don't have to go" Brian pushed.

"Just forget we were here" Daya stated.

"Gladly" Nikki interrupted waving at us, which earned her death stares from us three.

"Where you guys going" Brian shouted as we were walking away.

"Don't worry about it" I shouted back over my shoulder.


"Just got the alert, dad wants us back at the base." We all got in the car and buckled up.

Daya quickly reversed the car.

"Wait school isn't even over." Dinah shouted, spooking me and Daya and causing her to slam on the brakes.

"Are you fucking serious Dinah, It's the first day of school all everyone does is get to know each other games." I snapped.

Daya put the car in drive and sped out of the lot.


We pulled up into our gate and Daya pressed a button that looks like it would open a garage door but instead opens our underground bunker. Our driveway started rising up and we drove into it and it closed behind us. I know it's weird but dad always had this feeling that a zombie apocalypse would break out one day and he wanted to be ready.

"Hey dad what's up." Dinah asked as we walked into our main headquarters.

"Girls, please sit." He replied gesturing to the chairs in front of a long table.

Dad looked a little to excited as he quickly rushed us. "Alright so we just got an insight on who the link is, and knowing since he hasn't been caught ever this is great news."

"Dad that's great who is it?" I replied.

"Well I haven't opened it yet, because I was was waiting for you guys to get here." So he pulled up the evidence on the screen and he was scrolling down to see the picture when the power shuts out.

"What the hell?" Daya spoke.

"Dad whats going on?"

"I don't know, there seems to be a glitch in our system." Dad replied.

The back up generators started running and the power was back up.

"Well, the power may be on, but all of the files have been wiped." Dad spoke looking defeated.

"Dad it's okay we'll still be able to find who the link is" I reassured.

"I know we will, but I don't understand how the power went out in the bunker."

That is true, it's weird how the power to our bunker went out when it would have to take a lot of time to do.


Aight so it's weird because I don't really do these authors notes and stuff but what do you think so far? and I know my updates are slow but be mindful that I am doing other things.

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