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~Lexi Johnson~

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~Lexi Johnson~

Trev's POV

Me and the boys had early morning practice so we were on our way to the school.

"Bro, I'm so ready for the homecoming games next week." I spoke.

"Yeah, First we gonna get lit at the dance then we gonna get that dub ." Quincy replied doing a little dance.

"Yeah but we didn't even ask anyone yet." Brian replied.

"How do you know I haven't asked?" Quincy questioned.

"Because Dinah would've said no by now." Brian laughed.

"Man shut up, cause you're too scared to ask Mani." Quince fired back.

"Bet, I'll ask her today, but if I have to so do you." Brian challenged.

"Alright bet then." Quince accepted.

"So that means Trev, you gotta ask Daya." Quincy continued.

"What, no. She probably isn't going anyway." I replied.

"Exactly, plus if we're all together we can talk more about our plans for the mission." Brian spoke.

"Plus, man we know you like her." Quincy added.

"I don't like her." I replied.

"Man quit the bullshit, we know you do." He fought back.

"Man whatever, let's just practice." I said as we got out of the car and walked onto the field.


Daya's POV

"Alright ladies, let's hit the track." I spoke as we all put our stuff down. Cheer had early morning practice and we had to prepare for the Homecoming game next week. We all walked onto the track and saw that football was already practicing.

"Ok, I want a mile then stretch and we'll work on routines." I spoke and we all started to run. After we were done runnning we stretched and got right into routines, we were gonna make it a good one too considering we were up against our rivals.


We were in history class and as always I was doodling on the desk adding on to all the other drawings I was doing, while Brian, Trev, and Mani were talking about the homecoming game.

"Alright class before we get started, I wanted to introduce you guys to a new student, her name is Lexi." Our teacher said.

I looked up to see the new girl and she was actually really pretty. She walked and sat in the desk that was next to Mani's. Mani turned toward Lexi and she looked up at her.

"Hi I'm Mani." She said holding out her hand for her to shake.

"I'm Lexi, or you already know that, sorry." She spoke back.

"It's all good." Mani laughed.

"You cheer?" She asked looking at the pompom keychain on her bag.

"Umm yeah at my old school, I was gonna tryout here but I guess I missed it." She shrugged.

"Oh well you're in luck I'm on the squad and my sister Daya is Captain." Mani spoke.

"Yeah, we could use more cheerleaders, come by after school tomorrow and we'll see what you got." I replied.

"Really, oh my god thanks." She spoke.

The rest of school went by really fast and we were walking to the parking lot.

"So are the boys gonna meet us at HQ?" I asked as we got to my new car.

"Brian just texted and said they were already there." Mani replied.

"Ok, then let's go." I spoke.


We got to the house and everything seemed quiet, and the door was cracked open. We all got our guns out and slowly walked in, when we got into HQ it was dark. I signaled Mani to turn on the lights and me and Dinah would be ready for anything.

"1,2.......3" Mani switched on the lights and we aimed our guns for whatever was about to come at us. We were suprised to see a box sitting on the table.

"What do you think it is." Dinah asked.

"I don't know." Mani asked reavhing for it.

"Don't touch it, it could be a bomb." Dinah spoke smacking her hand.

"If it was a bomb it would've exploded by now." Mani replied.

"Shut up." I spoke as the slowly opened the box. When I opened it I suprised when I saw a football in it and it said "cheer us up...." on the box with pom poms around it and it said "tackle homecoming with us" on the football.

"What the heck." I spoke.

"So...." We turned around to see the boys standing in front of us each with one arm behind their backs.

"What do you say?" Brian asked, as they each pulled out a rose from behind them. The girls and I exchanged looks and then looked back at them.

"What do we say? I say you scared the shit out of us." Mani spoke.

"Yeah, you can't just scare us like that we could've died!" Dinah yelled. The boys were shocked about the way we reacted.

"But, we say yes." Mani answered. They let out a breathe and were relieved. We walked up to them and took the roses.

"I never took you as the type to go to dances." I spoke taking the rose from Trev's hand.

"Well, there's alot you don't know about me." He replied. I narrowed my eyes then slightly smiled.

"Ok enough with this mushy shit, let's get back to the mission." I spoke turning around and walking to the dashboard.

"Alright so The Chaos killer has been quiet which means he's planning something big." I spoke as everyone sat down.

"Yeah other than the fact that your car got blown up." Dinah added.

"Yes, but we don't know when the bomb was planted there." Mani replied.

"Well, if it was intended to kill me it would've blown up while I was driving so it must've been planted while we were at IHop." Brian spoke.

"Well, that's helpful we were the last ones out of there." Quincy added.

"Yeah but who would have the intentions to hurt you?" Trev asked

"Nikki." Mani spoke.

"Yeah, think about it Daya she's hated us since the day we first came. It has to be her." Dinah added.

"Ok, but why be sloppy about it and even if where would she get a bomb." Brian asked.

"I don't know but for now we can leave anyone unaccounted for." I answered. Now that I think about it maybe it is her I mean she's hated us from day one but it seems suspicious that she's choosing to attack now when she's had so many chances.


Okay so this chapter is a bit shorter but then again the last chapter was longer but I just wanna say how SHOOK I am, because when I started writing I was just doing it for fun and only for my friends could read it and I'm actually suprised how many people actually like it. Anyways thanks so much I appreciate yall.

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