Theida Gang

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-The Boys-

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-The Boys-

~Trev's POV~

School was over and me and the boys were getting ready for football practice. This is usually the same routine we do every year, Go to school then football after which is pretty boring. Although today was different I can't stop thinking about what happened at lunch, I've never seen those girls before and I would especially remember the one in the middle I mean the way she spoke up against us how could you forget that? But if she knew who she was talking to I don't think she would've said any of those things.

"Yo I can't wait to kick Langford's ass this year." Quincy spoke up interrupting my thoughts.

" I just can't wait to take play offs this year again." I added grabbing my cleats from my locker.

"No, but how about those girls at lunch today?" Brian spoke.

"Dude, I know right I have one of them in my English class, I didn't get her name though." Quince strapping on his pads.

"I know ones in my History class and I didn't get her name either, because her sister totally shut me down before I could." Brian shook his head.

"Good, we don't need to know them especially with what's going on right now, we can't afford to be worrying about them." I interrupted.

"Oh please Trev, I saw you checking out that girl who was talking to us." Brian said.

"Yeah, she a little fiesty one." Quince smirked causing me to roll my eyes.

"Please I wasn't checking her out, why would I check out some chick who acts like she's all that." I scoffed.

"She wasn't acting, you're just mad that she talked back to you." Quince chuckled.

"No I'm not she just need to watch herself, because she doesn't know who she's talking to." I argued.

"Man, whatever all I'm saying that polynesian one is mine." Quince replied.

Brian scoffed. "Yeah right, like you can get her."

"Damn right, no one can resist daddy." Quince winked, causing me and Brian roll our eyes.

"Please, she would probably whoop your ass" Brian laughed

"Alright, let's get to practice before coach whoops all of our asses." I interrupted.


"I'm hungry!" Quince complained, as we were getting in the car.

"Come down we'll stop by Mcdonald's on the way home." I said, and we pulled up to the closest one.

"Can I get 4 Spicy McChickens, with large fries and a large Powerade." I said to the intercalm.

"Can I get a Mcflurry" Quince asked from the back.

"No" I said over my shoulder.

"Ok sir that would be...."

"ummm hi can I get a Mcflurry too" Quince said rolling down his window.

I looked at Quince smirking through the mirror as I pulled up to give the lady my money. When my phone rang.

"Yo it's Trev" I answered.

"Aye bro we got info on the chaos killer" one of my guys said.

"aight we're on our way." I said hanging up.


"Aye yo whats up man" I said walking in to my house and the boys followed behind me.

"Dude, so we were going off the list for the chaos killer and turns out we ain't the only ones tracking him." one of our guys said.

"what do you mean?" Brian asked

We walked over to the living room and sat down on the couches.

"Aight dude so what's up, you already know that no one would mess with us unless they were lookin for a death wish." I stated.

"Well you're never gonna believe who it is man." He said dragging this on longer than it needs to be.

"Man spit it out shit, whoever he is I'm pretty sure we'll be able to kick his ass." Quincy pushed.

"See that's the thing, it's not a dude." He finished.

There was a long pause before I cleared my throat.

"So you mean our rival is a girl?" Brian spoke up.

"Three of them to be exact, they call themselves the femme fatales."

"Alright well let's bring them here so we could discuss a deal." I said getting up.

"See there's another problem." I stopped and looked at him.

"No ones ever seen them, so no one knows what they look like."

"So you mean to tell me that, we have no idea what they look like and no way to contact them." Quince interrupted.

"Dude, that's what I just said."

"Man, whatever" Quince said slouching back into the couch.

"Well, we need to figure out who they are so we could negotiate a deal of how this gonna go down." I stated.

"Oh I know what they would want if you know what I'm sayin." Quince winked and snickered.

"They're femme fatales idiot, it means that they're assassins which also means you're dead, plus they could be 40 for all we know." Brian scoffed

Quince just rolled his eyes and walked over to the kitchen.

"Well whoever they are, we need to find out quick cause them going on faceless means that they have the upper hand." I started.

"Which means that they don't have targets on their back unlike us who are well known for being a gang." Brian finished like he read my mind.

"Ok well we can start looking."

Later that day our crew went on a search and we looked at every data base and all that shit, To be honest I wasn't really the the nerdy one who knew all about technical shit, that was Brian I was just the leader who pointed everyone in the direction they needed to go in or the one with the plan. Quince on the other hand he was good with weaponry, he may be a dumb ass most times but he knew how to assemble a gun faster than anybody i've ever known.

"Dude all this searching and we aint found shit." Quince spoke dramatically throwing his hands in the air.

"I know its like their non-existent." I said shaking my head.

We all sat there for a moment thinking what we were missing and then it hit me.

"Hey Brian, pull up the latest murders that went on the serpents."

Brian got up quickly and began bringing up case files and when we saw the reports we were shocked.

"How can that be we've only kids 3 serpents ever and that was payback for them killing 3 of ours." Quince said.

"Yeah and there are 10 dead, there's no way other gangs could've touched them, Andre wouldn't let that happen." I spoke.

"I think I may know of a way to meet them." I finished.


Im SUPER SUPER SUPER!! sorry for not updating but its because my life is hectic and be mindful that i am a senior in high school and lets be honest im a fuck up so im currently tryna juggle making up credits and keeping my grades up so thank you for being patient with me and i will be finishing the book its just gonna take a while.......

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