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~Daya's POV~

Me and the girls were all in the locker room getting dressed for gym class. Unfortunately Nikki was in our class as well.

"We should all join a sport together." Dinah said interrupting my thoughts.

"well i'm trying out for dance company." Mani said tying her sneakers.

"And i'm joining basketball" I replied.

"Well i'm doing volleyball, but I still want to do something all together" She said thinking. We finished getting ready and we started leaving the locker room when Dinah stopped and looked at both of us.

"we should join cheer." Dinah said and Mani and I both furrowed our brows.

"Us?, join cheer." Mani spoke up.

"Yeah I mean we are all capable to do more stunts and tricks than those other cheerleaders." she replied shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know D, i'm not really the cheery type." I said continued walking.

"oh, come on pleeeeassseee." Dinah whined.

"Okay fine I'll do it, but if we get into drama with those snooty bitches, im whoopin ass, no hesitation." I said putting my hands up surrendering, trying to get her to stop whining.

"Yay!." she replied causing me to roll my eyes.

We entered the gym to see volleyball nets set up around the gym. Our gym teacher was explaining the instructions on what we were gonna do today.

"Today class, we will be playing a nice friendly game of volleyball." The teacher said.

"Good so then maybe I could show some wanna be snakes what's up ." Nikki said looking towards me and the girls. We all glared at her and we knew that we weren't gonna take that shit.

"Oh it's on bitch." Dinah whispered causing us to smirk.

We were playing queens of the court which consists of 3 players, which was perfect for us. We were playing against Nikki and her two wannabes. We started out with the ball so when coach blew the whistle Mani served the ball over, and they did one of the wannabees bumped it to the other who set it up for Nikki who spiked it and it almost hit Dinah.

"You almost hit me." Dinah growled

"It's called a spike sweetheart, it's how you win." She smirked causing Dinah to glare.

It was now their ball so Nikki served it over and Mani bumped it to Me and I set Dinah up perfectly. She quickly did her approach and spiked it down, and it hit Nikki in the face causing her fall on the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" She yelled sitting up

" Nothing it's called a spike sweetheart, it's how you win." Dinah mocked causing me and Mani to laugh.

"Coach did you see that she hit me" she whined to coach.

"Well it's, volleyball Nikki it happens sometimes. And good hit Dinah you should try out for our team." Coach said

Dinah smiled and Nikki just looked in shock of what just happened. We continued to play but this time they never got to score on us. Every time they would spike the ball we would either block it or dig it. We beat them 2-0.

After class we all went to lunch where we went over more of the plan about the chaos killer. When those 3 guys from the other day came up to us. We paused and all looked at them

"Can we help you?" I asked raising my brow and folding my arms.

"Can't we sit here?" Brian asked

"No I'm sorry but we don't recall inviting you to talj to us let alone sit with us." I said leaning back in my chair.

"and last time I recalled sweetheart, we owned this school." Trev said smirking.

"Wow, cocky much." I said leaning on the table

"Hmm yeah i am" he said leaning as well we were basically stood there glaring at each other.

"Geez cut it out love birds, just sit down it's cool." Dinah spoke up

We both scoffed and we all sat there eating our foods, for what felt like hours, before someone spoke up.

"You know we still don't know your guys's names" Quince spoke up.

I kept my arms folded and stayed quiet for a little then sighed.

"That's Dinah, and she's Mani" I said pointing at them.

"And you are?" Trev asked looking curious.

"I'm Daya." I said looking at him.

Nikki approached our table which caused us girls to roll our eyes.

"You know I thought I was going blind but obviously I'm not Trev, why are you still sitting with these lame asses, you know they're losers" She said to Trev.

"Last time we checked honey we weren't the ones taking L's" I smirked cause the girls to laugh which made her mad.

"You know for how loud your mouth is I'm surprised you don't have the head to fit it." she said pointing at me.

"And for how supposedly "good" you are in sports i'm surprised you couldn't keep my sister from using you as a hitting target." I bluntly replied and the girls burst into fits of laughter and the boys sitting there in shock.

"Umm....may I asked what happened?" Brian asked

"Nothing happened." She said clenching her fist.

"Awe, Nikki you don't need to be embarrassed it's not your fault your face is a perfect target to spike at" Mani smirked causing the boys to burst out laughing and Nikki to storm off out of the room.

We were all laughing uncontrollably when I got a text alert from my phone, and the girls got the same shortly after. We all exchanged looks and knew what we were all thinking. We all got our bags and started getting up from the table.

"Where you guys going now?" Brian asked.

"We gotta go." I simply stated as we started walking off.


When we got to the house we made our way to our dad's office where he was waiting for us looking over paperwork.

"What's up dad we got the text." as we all took a seat in front of his desk.

"Looks like you girls have some competition." He said setting the papers down on his desk and removing his glasses.

"What do you mean." I furrowed my eyebrows, knowing the girls shared the same look of confusion.

"We have been informed that there's a gang also on the hunt for the chaos killer." He replied

"So what dad, we've handled many gangs before." Mani stated.

"No but this gang is the most feared gang in the state, they are known for being ruthless and they will kill anyone without hesitation." he paused before continuing

"They go by The Theida Gang, Now when you girls are on your mission you have to promise me that you will be careful and will without for these guys." He said with a very concerned look in his eyes.

"We promise." we all said in sync.

Damn dad is pretty concerned and usually he isn't afraid whenever we have any competitions, I know we promised but us girls know damn well we aren't gonna take shit from anyone, and if these guys try to cross us we won't hesitate to kill them either.


Giving you guys another chapter cause yall deserve it for being patient with me lmaoo okay so now they know about each other yay!!! Now its time for the fun part which is discovering who each other are ayyyeee stay tuned....

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